The Ultimate Erection Deprivation Guide

The Ultimate Erection Deprivation Guide

(aka tiny limp clitty howto)
One can create a conditional reflex between sexual arousal and erection loss (it may sounds paradoxal, but works in the same way as getting pleasure from spanking). And it’s necessary to reinforce it periodically - e.g. every time you have spontaneous erection. So, I found this:
● During my hypno sessions (I’m watching all kind of “sissy-trainers”) I’m applying lidocaine gel aka “EMLA” for epilation or “Cathejell” on my clitty. After that I can touch it, rub and even if I manage to get an erection - physically I feel nothing. My brain learns this as “hey, I see hot video - I feel no feedback from clitty, well, okay”. Viola, you’re just broke a reflex arc. Now add some anal stimulation so brain connects it with sexual arousal and you’re done.
It turns out it may be a common practice - check sissysocial forums for example. Just make sure you do not have any allergies!
● I’m wearing rubber band (not very tight) around my glans almost 24/7 - this reduces blood flow and makes my clitty even less responsive to stimulation.
● 30 min hot balls-shower every evening :) I guess this should lower testosterone level - not sure, but at least I become more curvy and got some fat on hips after a year or so.
● Chastity - of course. IMO, tight scrotum ring is more important than short cage:
— It reduces blood flow
— Seems to change a muscle tone (I mean cremaster muscle). It’s very pleasant feeling when you’re taking off the chastity and your balls keeps “lifted” position for a days after
— Pulls your clitty up and pushes it’s root back really hard. Applicable to holytrainer-ish cages (see thas little thing?):


(又名微不足道的clitty howto)
人們可以在性喚起和勃起喪失之間創造條件反射(這可能聽起來很悖論,但與從打屁股獲得快感的方式相同)。並且有必要定期加強它 - 例如,每次你自發勃起。所以,我發現了這個:
●在我的hypno會議期間(我正在觀看所有類型的“娘娘腔的訓練師”)我正在使用利多卡因凝膠(又名“EMLA”)進行脫毛或“Cathejell”用於我的陰蒂。之後,我可以觸摸它,擦,即使我設法勃起 - 身體上我什麼都感覺不到。我的大腦得知這個“嘿,我看到熱門視頻 - 我覺得沒有反饋來自clitty,好吧,好吧”。維奧拉,你剛剛打破了一個反射弧。現在添加一些肛門刺激,讓大腦將其與性喚起聯繫起來,你已經完成了。
事實證明這可能是一種常見的做法 - 例如檢查sissysocial論壇只要確保你沒有任何過敏!
●我的龜頭周圍幾乎每週7天,每天都戴著橡皮筋(不是非常緊的) - 這會減少血液流動,使我的陰蒂對刺激的反應更小。
●每晚30分鐘的熱球 - 淋浴:)我想這應該會降低睾丸激素的水平 - 不確定,但至少我會變得更加彎曲並且在一年左右後臀部會變胖。
●貞節 - 當然。IMO,緊密陰囊環比短籠更重要:
- 它減少血液流動
- 似乎改變肌肉張力(我的意思是提睾肌)。當你取消貞操並且你的球在一天之後保持“抬起”位置時,這是非常愉快的感覺
- 把你的陰蒂拉起並將它的根部推回真的很難。適用於holytrainer-ish籠子(見小東西?):

Works opposite to surgery called “suspensory ligament release” for penile lengthening.
Better to see once, made a crappy gif for you, lol :D

I guess this would work better if you’re “grover not shower” (like me).
Then if you’re happy (or not) with result, it makes sense to try extremely short cages, e.g.
(hi @silkyirene, you’re awesome!)
我想如果你是“grover not shower”(就像我一樣),這會更好。



