
目前顯示的是 2月, 2012的文章

Just some of the shit transgender types say to post ops transsexuals.

Just some of the shit transgender types say to post ops transsexuals. Feel free to add additional things you may have heard from your own experience in the comment section. “…don’t need surgery to be female.” “…just as female as any other female.” “…it’s between the ears not between the legs.” “…just an after market vagina.” “…when archeologist dig you up a thousand years from now…” “…but, I’d have to dilate.” “…you’re privileged .” “…they like my six inch neoclit .” “…just sooooooo elitist .” “…more trannier than thou.” “…we’re all queer.” “…can’t because I have a medical issue .” “…have to live under constant fear of attack.” “…you’re just self-loathing .” “…if you didn’t have so much internalized …” “…have so much in common .” “…that’s just plain transphobic .” “…did you hear what that cis female said.” “…are you going to Southern Comfort ?” “…why should my genitals even matter ?” “…you are homophobic .” “…will I see you at the sup...

美男子遭蜂螫 竟變成女性

美國俄亥俄州一對夫婦,丈夫有一次偶然被蜜蜂螫到之後,體內的荷爾蒙分泌,竟然發生變化,讓他變得越來越女性化,到後來,他索性一不做二不休,乾脆變性當了一個真女人。 報導說,這名男子原來和太太結婚八年,有兩個小孩;他說,當他有一次,一不小心被蜜蜂螫到之後,胸部開始變大,皮膚也變得越來越細緻,體內的雄性激素,也越來越少;相對地,雌性激素越來越多。不過這名男子說,其實他一直有性別認同障礙,從小就不排斥穿女裝。對於身體上突然出現的變化,他反而樂於接受,甚至乾脆直接變性,當個真正的女人了。 My husband became my wife: Transgender woman reveals how a bee sting led to her sex change... and how the woman she had married stood by her Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2098442/My-husband-wife-Couple-reveal-extraordinary-story--started-bee-sting.html#ixzz1mRSUzhCi http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2098442/My-husband-wife-Couple-reveal-extraordinary-story--started-bee-sting.html A transgender woman has told her remarkable story of how the woman she married as a man stood by her through her sex change. Chloe Prince, who was born male, as Ted, was happily married to Renee for eight years and had two children before a severe reaction to a bee sting triggered a drop in levels of the male hormone, testosterone. As hi...