
目前顯示的是 2月 28, 2010的文章

Rules every sissy should follow

1。你必須始終穿著女性底褲。Sissy不允許擁有自己的男士內衣。 1. you must always wear panties. sissies are not allowed to own men's underwear. 2。你必須始終將你的腳趾甲塗上亮麗顏色的趾甲油。 2. you must always have your toenails painted. 3。當您在工作中,必須始終穿著底褲和將你的腳趾甲塗上趾甲油,但你可以不用穿任何其他女性用品,除非它們不會被顯示出來。 3. When at work you must always wear panties and have your toenails painted, but you need not wear any other Feminine items unless they won't show. 4。從不在任何情況下站著尿尿 - 要堅持這習慣,甚至在工作時。Sissy只能坐著尿尿。 4. Never, under any circumstances stand to pee - ever, even at work. sissies only sit to pee. 5。你的臉和身體的毛髮在任何時候都必須是刮乾淨的樣子。 5. your face and body must be free of hair at all times. 6。只准使用女性用的除臭劑,洗髮精和潤髮液。 6. Use only Female deodorant, shampoos, and conditioners. 7。買一些非常溫和的香水並經常使用噴它在身上 - 即使當你外出去(但不包括在工作時)。 7. Get some very mild perfume and wear it - even when you go out (but not to work). 8。經常洗帶有香味的泡泡浴(您不妨自己品嚐享受那樂趣吧)。 8. Take frequent scented bubble baths (you might as well enjoy yourself). 9。讀一本書關於指甲護理和為自己買一個完整的指甲護理包。你的指甲並不總是要塗,