

我希望您到目前為止已經做好了,您已經開始跟踪並創建了娘娘腔生活的所有重要結構。您的日常飲食感覺良好嗎?您正在建立沙漏形女孩的檔案庫。 最近幾天在這裡瘋狂。即使今天坐下來,我也有麻煩。不過那是另一回事了。 今天,我們將在您的面前努力。 到目前為止,還沒有關於體毛的執行或規則。如果您是班上已經經常照顧的娘娘腔之一,那麼您就是一個非常好的女孩。如果不是,那幾天下來還有那頭令人討厭的頭髮。 今天,我們將努力為您服務。像這樣戳出來時稱它為clitty有點奇怪。看起來很奇怪。有點不莊重,坦率地說,這會使普通衣服對您的穿著非常不利。另外,一旦您解決了這個問題,您即將擁有的性愛將令人讚嘆。 首先,這方面的培訓始終是一個障礙。可能有點不舒服。它還可能需要您學習和完善技巧,使自己免受輕度疼痛或不適。如果您按照指示進行操作,您的身體和氣候就會調整,一切都會變得更加舒適。最終,您將能夠享受少女般的前臉,適合任何類型的內褲,穿著緊身的緊身牛仔褲,甚至可以在拍攝照片時為泳裝造型,而無需任何人知道您的脾氣比大多數女孩都高。 目標是獲得美麗,可愛的前臉。第一步是查看外觀。我在下面添加了一些圖片。請注意,所有女孩在那裡都有輕微的碰撞。腿部位置和骨盆傾斜也增加了性感少女前線的錯覺。 請仔細閱讀這些內容。注意女孩兩腿之間的區域,並將其與您的比較。用你的手向後拉你的clitty,這樣你就可以看到如果你的內褲前面也有類似的外觀。

Look at the spacing. This picture is from slightly above.
Pull your clitty back and you should be able to get the same look from this angle.

This perspective is a bit lower down. The normal smooth bump there is her vulva. If you do not know what a vulva is, then it’s time to consult Google and research that now. It contains your clitty and we are now making you a virtual vulva.

This perspective, together with her wet swimsuit, lets you see the vulva easily, since it’s creating what is known as “camel toe.” You do not need to make your front look like it has camel toe. Just note that your vulva will appear to be about this same size.

Swimsuits are great to model in. Eventually you will have a smooth front like this every day. You are going to feel so good that you will not want anything breaking up that beautiful sight between your legs. It may be a bit painful at first, but then your clitty is going to get rubbed each time you take a step as you walk and while you bring your legs together to sit correctly.

While swimsuits are fabulous, you will want some casual pants as well. Note how smooth the front is despite her vulva underneath. A tight pair of figure-shaping briefs is tucking in her vulva and tummy. If you have some weight to lose until you get her tummy, then rest assured that we will get you there in no time.

Tight jeans are another clothing staple. See how good they look? Putting your leg forward like that adds to the distinctive Y-shaped appearance of your front. This is an unconscious signal that shows a girl’s readiness.

Soft lasercut panties on the left and a high-quality shaper on the right. A shaper like this is excellent for “fixing” a front. Eventually, the protection and comfort these tight-fitting garments offer will leave you wondering why you ever wore anything else.

A more sissy bedroom style. By pushing your cute bum back and arching your pelvis, you can accentuate your readiness and drive pretty much anyone crazy with lust. You will master teasing soon enough and you will love it. And fixing your front is key to making that happen. Pull back your clitty and see if you can make your front this smooth or tight-fitting.

Another for your sissy front aspirations. Doesn’t it look amazing? Don’t you feel that inner desire building inside you? Doesn’t it feel so right to make this idea permanent? Imagine if you had a fixed, proper front once and for all. We will change your daily habits to work on this soon enough.

This is an example of how a pair of short Y-front jeans will look on you later. Pretty darn hot! And no one is going to notice if you are wearing a buttplug either. This is screaming out to anyone who glances at you, “Take me! Take me now! Go hard and don’t stop!” Or something very much like that. I suppose you’ll just have to ask the people flirting with you to be sure.

So now:

Pull your clitty down and back as far as you can between your legs. This will be very difficult if your clit is erect, so try it when you are soft. If you are not permitted to make cummies or you are in chastity, then just try to adjust your clit to create that feminine front. Try spreading your legs, pushing your caged clit down and closing your legs.

You should experience minimal discomfort in this position. Hold your thighs together to prevent your clitty from springing free. Try to keep your front smooth. Pulling on a pair of tight panties will do wonders for helping you hold this position. The longer you can maintain this position, the better. 

Now here is an experimental way to make cummies the next time you are allowed (you may need to wait a few days depending on your orgasm schedule and conditioning rules): 

Find and put on whatever video or audio or other material you want. Tuck your clitty between your legs so that you have a smooth front. The base of your clitty essentially forms the top of your vulva. Now masturbate like a girl. Use your ring and index fingers to rub circles over the top of your clitty. Flick your clit. Use your palm to massage up and down. If you have a vibrator, now is the perfect time to set it buzzing up and down your cunt. You can spend as much time as you would like and make cummies as many times as you can, as long as you tuck your clitty back down if it happens to get free.

This will grow on you more and more. It is really a much nicer way to interact with your clit. Imagine how much fun it would be to be this sexy all the time!

Until then, be sweet and stay excited! <3










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