
目前顯示的是 4月, 2015的文章

Andreja Pejic lands American Vogue - and Make Up For Ever

http://frockwriter.com/2015/04/andreja-pejic-lands-american-vogue Another career milestone for the Australian modelling superstar via fashionscansremastered.net Major congratulations are due to Andreja Pejic, the star of a four-page feature in the May 2015 edition of  Vogue US. 'The New World' feature by Alice Walker includes at least one photograph by Patrick Demarchelier. So far only this opening DPS, above, has surfaced, but according to Pejic's Instagram, the story runs four pages in total. According to Pejic's Australian mother agent Joseph Tenni at Chadwick Models, Pejic shot four looks with Demarchelier which may appear elsewhere in the feature - or elsewhere inside the issue. British actor Carey Mulligan is the May edition's cover star and Pejic is not name-checked in the story's cover line: " Trans America - The next frontier in gender politics ". But Pejic is most certainly the primary focus of the

Meet Stav Strashko, the Male Model Walking the Women's Shows

http://www.elle.com/fashion/news/a26351/stav-strashko-model-interview/ By Faran Krentcil Stav Strashko Stav Strashko Photo: Alan Winslow "Most people in fashion assume I'm a girl," Stav Strashko begins slowly, "and then they hear my voice!" The model lets out a deep, throaty laugh—as if to prove his point—and I realize that yeah, when I first met Strashko this weekend, I thought he was a her . "It's cool," the Ukraine-born, Israel-bred model assures me. "I really don't care. Many of my friends address me as 'she.' Sometimes, I address myself as a 'she' too. I swear, I really don't care—you can call me whatever you're comfortable with." Stav Strashko We Recommend The New Ralph Lauren Girl is More Greenwich Street Than... Photo: Alan Winslow Okay. So here's what we'll call S


http://www.niusnews.com/index.php/main/view/6277 自從泰國電影《人妖打排球》爆紅之後,變性人的議題便受到了社會的注意。有些男生也有顆晶瑩剔透的少女心,想要像女孩子一樣可以化妝穿漂亮衣服,於是他們挑戰上帝,進行手術大膽變身!一起來看看有哪些勇敢變性的名人吧! 河莉秀 韓國知名的變性女星,從小的夢想就是變成女人,在1998年時動手術變性,隔年進入演藝圈開始拍廣告,並在2007年嫁給小她五歲的老公。 利菁 台灣無人不知的知名主持人利菁,以沙啞的嗓音跟獨特笑聲還有經典拍手動作聞名,以購物天后的頭銜轉戰綜藝節目主持。利菁在20歲那年跟父親坦承性別認同的困擾,已經困擾她20年,經過溝通父親才同意她進行變性手術。 劉薰愛 長相甜美可愛皮膚白皙的劉薰愛,在2009年被高中學弟爆料是變性人,在周刊專訪中坦承在18歲時動手術變身,因為變性的事情被炒作,很多人都幫劉薰愛叫屈,認為她連內心都充滿女人味,因變性被攻擊實在很無辜。劉薰愛認為以前不重要,她很喜歡現在的自己。 春菜愛 日本諧星,因模仿松浦亞彌走紅,也是日本各大綜藝節目的常客,並且奪得第五屆國際變性人選美大賽冠軍。春菜愛從小就知道自己的性向,並在16歲時花了22萬切除睪丸,放在櫃子裡,並騙外婆說那是植物的鱗莖(有夠獵奇)。 李詩妍 曾演出《色即是空》的韓國演員李詩妍,當初演出電影時是以男兒身李大鶴的身分演出的喔!有《色即是空1》、《色即是空2》、《野蠻師生》等等。李詩妍中學時便懷疑自己的性向,不但有自我厭惡的傾向,甚至想自殺。走過這些的李詩妍決定要面對真實的自己,變性成為真正的女人。 椿姬彩菜 有著可愛笑容的日本模特兒椿姬彩菜,在20歲時不顧家人反對決意休學,到變性人俱樂部當第三性公關打工,籌措變性的手術費用。儘管朋友家人都不諒解,椿姬彩菜還是靠自己努力走到了今天,並出版自傳《我是男校畢業的女生》,熱銷10萬本。 看完這麼多真實案例,女孩們應該很慶幸自己身為女人吧?有這麼多人為了想當女生吃盡苦頭,我們更應該要愛惜自己(畢竟女生想變男人似乎比較容易?)。除了這些勇敢變身的名人,還有很多默默無名的平凡人也努力的追求自我,大家為這些勇敢的人鼓鼓掌吧! source: huanqiu

蝦米! 美艷辣模竟是男人?

http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/strange/20150408/588732/%E8%9D%A6%E7%B1%B3%EF%BC%81%E3%80%80%E7%BE%8E%E8%89%B7%E8%BE%A3%E6%A8%A1%E7%AB%9F%E6%98%AF%E7%94%B7%E4%BA%BA%EF%BC%9F 蝦米! 美艷辣模竟是男人? 21歲的模特兒斯特拉什科,真身是一名男子。翻自wattpad.com 「她」拍過L'Oreal化妝品、豐田汽車等廣告,身材火辣,但「她」的真身,是一名男人! 據英國《鏡報》報導,21歲的模特兒斯特拉什科(Stav Strashko)身高180公分、有一頭長長的金髮,高瘦身形加上迷人長腿,讓他經常被誤認成女人,甚至有男性試圖搭訕他。斯特拉什科現在居住在義大利米蘭,他5年前購物時被星探發掘,他說:「星探說我的骨架棒極了,而且我的體形對於模特兒來說簡直是完美,我非常興奮。」由於他有雌雄同體的優勢,很快地讓他成為模特兒界的新寵兒。 為了讓自己扮女模能更加漂亮,斯特拉什科不惜全身脫毛,又穿緊身褲來隱藏自己的雄風。雖然有女模在他背後指指點點,但斯特拉什科不以為意,而他合作過的品牌不乏知名公司,例如是Ray-Ban、L'Oreal、Diesel、豐田等,為他穩賺逾10萬英鎊(約新台幣500萬元)。(施旖婕╱綜合外電報導) 斯特拉什科的身材超火辣。翻自fystavstrashko.tumblr.com 斯特拉什科真的是男的。翻自fystavstrashko.tumblr.com 斯特拉什科曾為豐田汽車拍過廣告。翻自media.smh.com.au

Living a Transgender Childhood


Transgender Model Gets Support for Victoria's Secret Runway Gig


I AM JAZZ (我是潔絲)



https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E3%80%90y%E8%A9%B1%E9%A1%8C%E3%80%91%E3%80%8C%E9%9D%88%E9%AD%82%E8%A3%9D%E9%8C%AF%E8%BA%AB%E9%AB%94%E3%80%8D%E2%8B%AF%E2%8B%AF%E8%A9%B2%E6%80%8E%E9%BA%BC%E8%BE%A6%EF%BC%9F-062702964.html Y筆記: ● 原發性變性慾症患者,原因不明,無法認同自己原本的性別,就像「靈魂裝錯身體」。 ● 年滿20歲,身體健康,完成自我評估及精神診斷,才能進行變性手術。 ● 變性手術是不可逆的,術後併發症包含人造性器官壞死、細菌感染等。 ● 變性後沒有生育能力,可能會遭受社會異樣眼光及倫理衝突。 台中一中的曾愷芯老師,前年妻子病逝後,決定接受醫師諮詢,服用女性賀爾蒙改變性特徵,從「他」變成「她」,獲得學生力挺,並預計在今年6月,動手術摘除男性器官。但台灣第一位變性人「珍」,過去接受媒體訪問時曾說,變性後她交過幾個男朋友,卻沒有人能真正接受她,也道盡多數變性人的無奈。想知道為什麼有人會想要變性?或是自己適合變性嗎?讓我們繼續看下去。 Q:我需要變性嗎? 變性手術,又稱為性別重置手術(Sex Reassignment Surgery, SRS),此手術多用於原發性變性慾症患者。原發性變性慾症,是性別認同障礙的一種,發生原因不明,至今醫界仍無定論。與同性戀者有所不同,同性戀者認同自己的性別,不想變性,只是在情感上喜歡同性的人。 而原發性變性慾症患者,則是在心理上無法認同自己與生俱來的性別,甚至厭惡性器官,就像「靈魂裝錯了身體」。如果想變成另一種性別的慾望,隨著年齡不斷增長,進而影響心靈跟外表,就可以考慮做變性手術。 Q:如果我想要變性,該怎麼做? 1.自我評估是否符合下列基本條件: ● 必須是原發性變性慾症患者。 ● 至少扮演另一種性別角色,生活兩年,且適應良好。 ● 年齡在20歲以上,身體健康。 ● 單身或離婚。 ● 智力功能在中等以上。 ● 手術費龐大,男變女手續費用約35萬,女變男則約60萬到85萬不等,須有相當經濟能力。 ● 無重大犯罪紀錄。 ● 無內科疾病,如B型肝炎、愛滋病、糖尿病等。 ● 獲得父母及家人的支持。北榮規定,手

Top 10 transsexual entertainers in Asia

http://www.china.org.cn/top10/2012-11/19/content_27123988.htm Transgendered people have always been a controversial topic, though our society is becoming more open. Transsexual entertainers struggling in showbiz may face much more misunderstandings, ridicule, or even abuse compared to other celebrities. The following are Asia's current top transsexual entertainers.    Liu Shihan (刘诗涵) Liu Shihan [L: ahycw.com.cn; R: beijingshots.com]  Age: 23 Country: China Marital Status: Single Liu Shihan was originally born as a boy on August 18, 1989 in Changsha, Hunan Province. After graduating from Hunan Mass Media Vocational Technical College, she performed as a professional pole dancer for three years. Since 2008, Liu has become famous through modeling for various magazines, websites and online games. On December 29, 2010, Liu confirmed on her microblog that she had undergone transsexual surgery, which provo

Liu Shi Han 劉思涵 (1989 - ) model

Liu was raised in Changs ha 長沙; Hunan. After graduating from Hunan Mass Media Vocational Technical College , Liu performed as a professional pole dancer and with a boa constrictor for three years, saving madly for surgery. Afterwards Shi Han moved to Beijing and obtained modelling gigs for magazine, websites and online games. In late 2010 Shi Han confirmed, on her blog, that she had had transgender surgery. 我确实做过变性手术。我只想隐姓埋名做一个普通人。可匿名者就是不肯放过我。要公开我的隐私曝光我不能生BB的事实在媒体大众面前。现在,我承认了。不用逼我,我会自己慢慢说出真相。与其让别人一而再中伤我,不如自己坦诚面对一切。("I did have transsexual surgery. I just wanted to hide my identity and be an ordinary individual. But an anonymous person just wouldn't let me go, making my privacy public and exposing to the media and public the fact that I can't give birth to babies. Now, I admit it. No need to push me. I will slowly reveal the truth. I'd rather honestly face all this than allowing others to slander me.)" A few t