One of the best things about being a woman is having CURVES galore!
But maybe you’re wondering…
It is really possible to look like an hourglass if you’re built like a rectangle or an apple (as many crossdressers and transgender women are)?
The answer is YES!
Keep reading to learn how to slim your waist and enhance your hips to achieve a stunning hourglass shape.
A corset can even be used for permanent (or at least semi-permanent) waist size reduction. Corset training isn’t fast or easy, but it can work wonders when combined with a proper diet and exercise.
Check out Romantasy.com to learn more about corset training. They offer corsets, training materials, and even a 3-month waist training coaching program.
Waist cinchers, on the other hand, are designed to be worn under clothing. A waist cincher can take 1-4 inches off your waist while still allowing you to move and breath easily.
Here are 3 top-reviewed waist cinchers available in small to extra-large sizes.
Even better – put on your waist cincher! A waist cincher improves your posture by forcing you to keep your tummy in and your spine straight.
Have you ever noticed that many modern bodybuilders have bulging abdomens? Compare this to the wasp-waist look of old school bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jack Lalanne.
You obviously don’t want to look like “The Terminator”, but these
classic bodybuilders were onto something. Their secret was the “vacuum
The vacuum pose is an exercise that tones the transverse abdominis – the innermost ab muscle that holds your stomach in. Everyday crunches don’t target this muscle.
The vacuum pose can take 2-4 inches off your waist, so it’s definitely worth a try. (I personally lost 1 inch off my waist after vacuum posing for 2 weeks!) Here’s how to do it:
The vacuum pose should be done on an empty stomach and can be done standing, sitting, or on your hands and knees. Check out this article to learn more about the vacuum pose.
Here are some tips for enhancing your hips:
I hope this article gave you some new ideas for getting the sexy curves you desire!
I’d love to see your results, so please share your photos below – along with any other waist or hip shaping tips you might have.
緊身胸衣甚至可用於永久性(或至少半永久性)腰圍減小。 緊身胸衣訓練不是快速或容易,但它與適當的飲食和運動相結合可以創造奇蹟。
像緊身胸衣一樣可愛,它們並不總是實用。 一個很大的缺點是,在大多數衣服下,緊身胸衣看起來很僵硬和笨重。
另一方面,腰部緩衝器設計用於穿在衣服下。 腰部緊縮器可以讓你的腰部保持1-4英寸的距離,同時還可以輕鬆移動和呼吸。
Flexees立即減肥Waistnipper | Squeem魔術內衣腰部Cincher | Rago腰部Cincher - 風格821 |
良好的姿勢可以讓你在中間看起來輕10磅,所以要注意你坐下和站立的方式。 考慮胃部,胸部抬起,肩膀向後。
更好 - 放在你的腰部cincher! 腰部緊縮器通過強迫你保持你的肚子和你的脊椎挺直來改善你的姿勢。
你有沒有註意到許多現代健美運動員都腹脹? 將此與阿諾德·施瓦辛格或傑克·拉蘭妮等古老健美運動員的腰部外觀相比較。
你顯然不想看起來像“終結者”,但這些經典的健美運動員已經進入了一些東西。 他們的秘密就是“真空姿勢”。
真空姿勢是一種鍛煉,可以調節橫向腹部 - 腹部最內側的肌肉,每天仰臥起坐並不瞄準這種肌肉。
真空姿勢可以減少2-4英寸,所以絕對值得一試。 (在真空擺姿勢2週後,我個人的腰部下降了1英寸!)以下是如何去做:
- 呼出你肺部的所有空氣。
- 盡可能展開胸部並吸收你的胃。 想像一下,試圖觸摸你的肚臍到你的脊椎。
- 保持這個姿勢5-15秒,然後放鬆。
- 重複3-5分鐘。
小腰只是方程的一半。 對於真正的沙漏比例,你的臀部應該比你的腰大約10英寸。
- 穿襯墊的內褲。 經典曲線為跨性別者和跨性別女性提供最好的臀部和臀部增強劑。 您還可以在LoveMyBubbles.com上找到大量可移動臀部和臀部墊。
- 穿腰圍豐富的裙子和連衣裙。 聚集是最簡單的方法,將英寸添加到下半身並形成臀部假象。
- 尋找peplum風格。 peplum是連接到上衣,裙子或裙子的腰圍的褶邊或長裙。 除了增加臀部的豐滿度外,peplum還是一種非常時尚的外觀。
襯墊內褲 | 聚集的腰部 | Peplum |
我很想看到你的結果,所以請在下面分享你的照片 - 以及你可能有的任何其他腰部或臀部塑形技巧。
How to Get an Hourglass Figure (Male to Female Transformation Tips)
One of the best things about being a woman is having CURVES galore!
But maybe you’re wondering…
It is really possible to look like an hourglass if you’re built like a rectangle or an apple (as many crossdressers and transgender women are)?
The answer is YES!
Keep reading to learn how to slim your waist and enhance your hips to achieve a stunning hourglass shape.
1. Try corset training
If you’ve never worn a corset before, prepare to be amazed: A corset can take up to 6” off your waist and make you look and feel ultra feminine.A corset can even be used for permanent (or at least semi-permanent) waist size reduction. Corset training isn’t fast or easy, but it can work wonders when combined with a proper diet and exercise.
Check out Romantasy.com to learn more about corset training. They offer corsets, training materials, and even a 3-month waist training coaching program.
2. Wear a waist cincher
As lovely as corsets are, they aren’t always practical. A big drawback is that corsets can look stiff and bulky under most clothes.Waist cinchers, on the other hand, are designed to be worn under clothing. A waist cincher can take 1-4 inches off your waist while still allowing you to move and breath easily.
Here are 3 top-reviewed waist cinchers available in small to extra-large sizes.
- Flexees Instant Slimmer Waistnipper
- Squeem Magical Lingerie Waist Cincher
- Rago Waist Cincher – Style 821
Flexees Instant Slimmer Waistnipper | Squeem Magical Lingerie Waist Cincher | Rago Waist Cincher – Style 821 |
3. Improve your posture
Good posture can make you look 10 pounds lighter around the middle, so pay attention to the way you sit and stand. Think stomach in, chest lifted, and shoulders back.Even better – put on your waist cincher! A waist cincher improves your posture by forcing you to keep your tummy in and your spine straight.
4. Try the vacuum pose
Traditional exercises like crunches and sit-ups can overdevelop your abs and increase the size of your waist.Have you ever noticed that many modern bodybuilders have bulging abdomens? Compare this to the wasp-waist look of old school bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jack Lalanne.
The vacuum pose is an exercise that tones the transverse abdominis – the innermost ab muscle that holds your stomach in. Everyday crunches don’t target this muscle.
The vacuum pose can take 2-4 inches off your waist, so it’s definitely worth a try. (I personally lost 1 inch off my waist after vacuum posing for 2 weeks!) Here’s how to do it:
- Exhale all the air from your lungs.
- Expand your chest and suck in your stomach as much as possible. Imagine trying to touch your belly button to your spine.
- Hold this pose for 5-15 seconds and then relax.
- Repeat for 3-5 minutes.
The vacuum pose should be done on an empty stomach and can be done standing, sitting, or on your hands and knees. Check out this article to learn more about the vacuum pose.
5. Enhance your hips
A small waist is only half of the equation. Your hips should appear approximately 10 inches larger than your waist for true hourglass proportions.Here are some tips for enhancing your hips:
- Wear padded panties. Classic Curves carries the best hip and butt enhancers for crossdressers and transgender women. You can also find a big selection of removable hip and butt pads on LoveMyBubbles.com.
- Go for skirts and dresses with gathered waistlines. Gathers are the easiest way add inches to your lower body and create the illusion of hips.
- Look for peplum styles. A peplum is a ruffle or overskirt attached to the waistline of a top, dress, or skirt. Besides adding fullness to the hips, the peplum is a very fashion-forward look.
Padded panty | Gathered waist | Peplum |
I’d love to see your results, so please share your photos below – along with any other waist or hip shaping tips you might have.