Jessica Fappit 的 Orchiectomy Talk Part 1

而不是比較典型的總是知道你是誰“內心深處”的跨敘事。這更像是一個典型的敘述(雖然還是很常見的),而不是一個典型的敘述。典型的感覺是對你的出生性行為感到不安或不適,即使你一段時間沒有確定它的原因。你仍然可以非常想成為女性,或者至少感到沮喪和不舒服,因為沒有自覺地知道為什麼而不是女性,而不被認定為女性/女性。對於很多人來說,更多的是關於性別理論的語義學或解釋,是否認為自己是“內在的女性”,而不是以這種方式。我的意思是,她顯然是對戀愛中的女性化/女性化的轉換。如果你讀了她的Tumblr,你有關於她的煩躁不安的帖子,她只是想被接受為一個正常的女孩,她支持跨權利並列關於她是一個女性化的娘娘腔的蕩婦或她喜歡陷入直男的帖子。她明確地說過她做色情的原因,而且完全是為了表明跨性別女人也可以是女性,而不必被他們的生殖器所定義。對我而言,她認為自己是一個女性化的男性,她竟然變成了一個女人,使她像女人一樣被對待,並且作為一個女人在性方面是可取的,而不管她是否對女人有效。作為一個MtF也有類似的戀物癖,我可以認同她的感受很多。不是完全的女性,不得不通過女性化來逼近它是一件壞事,但是通過將它定位在無關緊要的背景下,因為無論如何你都是一個女人,並且實際上是一件好事,享受而不是讓你不舒服的東西。OP中的片段對於戀物癖和煩躁不安都非常令人滿意。像“我第一次聽到一個音頻剪輯,說我只是一個女孩,我不能成為別的東西”。這是“強迫”你是女性,你可以假裝這是你相信的東西,但它只是擴大你已經感受到的東西,並驗證你。Limpotence/'limp oh tints / adj。出現兩種或兩種以上症狀的遺傳性,惡化狀況:1.無法勃起。2.無法達到完全性高潮。3.無法熄滅人的角質。4.只射精的形式射精。5.肛門和乳頭周圍更高的敏感度。這些症狀反過來產生了一個自我實現的預言:沒有完全的高潮能力,受試者處於一個持續的角質狀態。他們的勃起開始消退,因為他們的陰蒂開始萎縮,沒有一個完整的高潮。如果只有一個懦弱的人,只能預先(或稱為通俗的說法)能夠排出。這種持續不斷的洩漏使受試者處於高度喚起狀態,使他們的乳頭和肛門成為他們的主要樂趣區。感到高興的時候,餘甘們被釋放,通過經典的調理來強化循環。Limpotence正在成為一場全面的大流行。今天去看看你的醫生,看看你是否可能受到影響。到目前為止,沒有治療方法,只有治療才能減少受試者成為一個完整的狂歡節的機會。


Rather than the more typical trans narrative of always knowing who you were "deep down".
That's more of a stereotypical (though still pretty common) narrative than a typical one. What is typical is feeling a form of unease or discomfort over being your birth sex, even if you don't identify it or the cause of it for a while. You can still very badly want to be female, or at least feel depressed and uncomfortable by not being female without consciously knowing why, without identifying as a girl/woman. For a lot of people it's more a matter of semantics or interpretation of gender theory as to whether they consider themselves to be "women on the inside" without physically being that way.

I mean, she is clearly trans with a fetish for sissification/feminisation. If you read her Tumblr you have posts about her dysphoria and how she just wants to be accepted a a normal girl and her support of trans right juxtaposed to posts about her being a feminised sissy slut or how much she loves trapping straight men. She's explicitly said the reason she does porn and does it exclusively as a bottom is to show that trans women can be women too, and don't have to be defined by their genitals.

To me it looks like she considers being a feminised male who's gone so far as to become a woman such that she's treated like a woman and is sexually desirable to men as a woman regardless as validating to her womanhood. As an MtF who also shares similar fetishes I can identify with how she feels a lot. Not being totally female and having to approximate it by feminising yourself is a bad thing, but by framing it in the context that it doesn't matter because you're a woman anyway, and making it actually a good thing, it becomes something to be enjoyed rather than something which makes you uncomfortable.

The clip in the OP is really satisfying to both the fetish and the dysphoria. Things like "the first time I heard an audio clip that said I was just a girl and I couldn't be anything else"; it's "forcing" you to be feminine and you can pretend it's something you're made to believe, but really it's just expanding on things you already feel and validating you.


/’limp oh tints/   adj.

A hereditary, deteriorating condition where two or more of the following symptoms are present:

1. Inability to achieve erection.

2. Inability to achieve full orgasm.

3. Inability to quench one’s hornyness.

4. ejaculate only in the form of precum.

5. higher sensitivity around the anus and nipples.

The symptoms in turn create a self-fulfilling prophecy: without the ability to fully orgasm, the subject stays in a constant state of horny-ness. Their erections begin to subside as their clitty’s start to atrophy without a full orgasm. With a limp clitty, only precum (or cummies, as it is colloquially known) is able to discharge. This constant leaking leaves the subject in a high state of arousal that causes their nipples and anus to become their primary pleasure zones. When pleasured, cummies are released and the cycle is strengthened through classical conditioning.

Limpotence is becoming a full pandemic. Visit your doctor today to see if you may be affected. As of now, there is no cure, only treatment to reduce the chances of the subject from becoming a full-blown cockoholic.  



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