Top 10 Girly Power Songs to Bring Out Your Inner Woman (十首最棒的女聲魔力歌曲帶出妳內在心裡的女性)


The fastest way to be accepted as a confident, feminine woman is to FEEL like one. Clothes, makeup, and hair help, but true femininity comes from within.

The great news is that you don’t have to wait until you are “perfect” to feel more confident and feminine NOW.
The secret is to change your state of mind. Says motivational guru, Tony Robbins: “The state that you’re in at any given moment determines your perception of reality – and thus, your decisions and behaviors.”
In other words, your MOOD has a huge impact on how you feel and how you project yourself as a woman.
So how do you go from a state of insecurity and doubt to a state of confidence and femininity?
Try MUSIC! Music alters your brain wave patterns and can literally change your state within minutes.
My advice is to create a playlist of GIRLY POWER SONGS to listen to anytime you want to boost your mood and bring out your inner woman. Even better, get up and dance! Moving your body is another powerful way to change your mental/emotional state.
That said, here my top 10 girly power songs for transgender women – guaranteed to make you feel sexy, sassy, and totally feminine!



秘訣就是改變你的心態激勵大師羅賓斯(Tony Robbins)任何給定的時刻的狀態決定了你對現實的感知 - 因此決定和行為




我的建議是創建一個播放列表GIRLY POWER歌曲來聽任何時候你想要改善你的情緒,並帶出內心女人更妙的是,站起來跳舞移動你的身體是另一種強大方式來改變精神/情緒狀態

這就是說,在這裡前10名為變性女孩所選女聲魔力歌曲 - 保證讓你覺得性感,時髦完全女性化

1. “Man I Feel Like a Woman” – Shania Twain

裡頭都是壯碩猛男穿緊身透明黑衣, 好辣說, 好想咬一口, 喵

2. “Supermodel” – RuPaul

3. “I am Woman” – Helen Reddy

4. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” – Cyndi Lauper

5. “She Wolf” – Shakira

6. “Lady Marmalade” – Christina Aguilera, Lil’ Kim, Mya, Pink

7. “Run the World” – Beyonce


8. “Respect” – Aretha Franklin


9. “It’s Ladies Night” – Kool & the Gang

10. “My Humps” – Black Eyed Peas

11. “I Enjoy Being a Girl” – Flower Drum Song

這首是後來一位網友推薦的, 相當符合tranny 的心聲



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