
目前顯示的是 6月, 2011的文章

Golden Afternoon

Golden Dreams, hand embellished giclee on canvas Ariana, hand embellished giclee on canvas Aurora, hand embellished giclee on canvas Blossoming Light, hand embellished giclee on canvas Blossom, oil on canvas When Morning Breaks, oil on canvas The Black Pearl, oil on canvas Iris, oil on canvas Golden Tresses, oil on canvas Golden Shawl, oil on canvas Blush, oil on canvas Romance and Light, oil on canvas Afternoon's Rest, oil on canvas Dawn, oil on canvas Dawn's Caress, oil on canvas

Training the Male Part 7 - castration?

Let me make it perfectly clear that nothing I do to a male harms him or is against his will. Yes You may find it strange but males truly want to be dominated and controlled in a way that builds their personality, their worth, their confidence and self worth. Castration is not part of that, neither is sexual denial. Males need sex and it is used as a reward and to further their subjugation by being feminized or performing a particular task in order to get it. The more this happens the more anxious they are to please. Castration would make this training process difficult. Not to say I don't believe in castration, I do. I believe that any male who harms a child or woman should be castrated and have their penis removed. The first time, no exceptions. This would include child molestation, child abuse, rape, abuse, physical harm, threats, and intimidation. No excuse for a male to act in this manner and he should be modified and then put on female hormones, given breast implants and go...

[sissieslifeandtimes] Training the male Part Six The Purse

Training the male – Part 6 – The Purse I am often impressed by the excuses people come up with. The crutches they need to seemingly get something done. When it comes to training males there are a good many. "I need a dungeon", "I need a whip". "I need to beat him but I just can't bring myself to do that because I love him". These are simply excuses to allow the trainer to be lazy or procrastinate on what should be a simple and necessary task. So I am going to provide you with a very simple, extremely commonly available and yet wonderfully effective training tool – The Purse! Men are terrified of a woman's purse. It's a thing of amazement and mystery to them. They are not sure what it contains but they are certainly positive that it contains a wonderment of feminine magic and even getting close to one could permanently effect their manhood and in that believe they are absolutely correct. Now before I go into more details I want to make an ...

想要豐滿好身材 求諸人工不如靠自己

更新日期:2011/06/21 06:00 愛美的女生,都很在意自己的身材。三軍總醫院中醫部主治醫師林高士表示,女生為了好身材而到外面求診,總會有難為情、感到難以啟齒的情形,像這種情況,不如自行準備木瓜豐乳湯,幫自己補一補,不求人,讓男人一手無法掌握。 林高士醫師指出,木瓜豐乳湯能調補氣血,健胸豐乳。需自行準備豬腳1隻、青木瓜1個、花生2兩、鹽巴1小匙、米酒1小匙、薑片少許、西洋參2錢、白朮3錢、伏苓3錢、炙甘草2錢、葛根3錢、通草1錢、枸杞5錢、紅棗5粒、大茴香1粒。 林高士醫師進一步指出,木瓜豐乳湯的做法很簡單,先將西洋參、白朮、伏苓、炙甘草、葛根、通草、枸杞、紅棗、大茴香等中藥材洗乾淨後放入鍋子內,加水3杯,燒開後轉小火熬煮至1杯,然後過濾取藥汁備用。 將豬腳切成塊、洗乾淨川燙一下,並用熱油炸約5分鐘後濾掉乾油,花生用熱水泡約1個鐘頭去外膜,青木瓜削去外皮切成塊狀;拿一個鍋子,放入豬腳、花生和青木瓜,然後倒入藥汁再加6杯水,用小火煮至豬腳和花生爛熟,再加鹽巴、米酒調味即可。

[轉] 像「_也」 這樣的一個女子——訪問變性人Yannes

2010-11-09 11:04:13 訪問:Echo, Kitty, Javier 文:Javier 我們究竟是男,還是女? 「我在幼稚園的時候已經覺得自己跟周遭的男孩子不同,每堂排隊上廁所的時候,我都會很自然地排在女孩子隊伍中,每次都要老師像『夾公仔』般把我夾回男生的隊伍中。到了小學,由於我是下午班,而哥哥則返全日制,每朝趁媽媽去買菜,家中只剩我一個人的時候,我都會打開媽媽的衣櫃,換上她的衣服,做回自己。我真的覺得媽媽的衣服很漂亮,我著上身後亦覺得自己很美,很自然,比起那討厭的褲子,感覺舒服得多。由小到大,沒有人教,自己很自然的會像女孩子般坐著如廁,每次被媽媽見到都會很嬲地罵我。我從來不明白為什麼我不可以坐著去廁所…… 升上中學後,在性教育課時,老師說了一句我當時覺得很震撼的一句說話:『有陽具的就是男孩子』,原來那東西令我成為男性,就是男性這組詞令我不能穿上自己喜歡的裙。青春期的時候,不明所以地有個男同學很喜歡玩健身,於是我跟其他同學都跟著去玩,想著是不是練大隻一點,我就可以更像『男性』,結果是……這些玩意不是屬於我的。」 我眼前的Yannes是一個很標緻的女生,她在訪問中給我們看了一張當「她還是他」的時候的一張證件相。平頭裝的他,雄赳赳的很有男子氣慨,很難與眼前的她連上關係。 「也許我是較幸運的一位,不是所有人的外表都有著兩面性,使人較易接受她們的形象。以前我只是想做一個別人能夠接受到的形象(即所謂的普通人),我曾經結過婚,夫妻之間的生活一定牽涉到性,但我本身不太喜歡自己的性器官,所以要用它來取悅妻子的時候,是一個挑戰,同時是一種痛苦。我無法從自己與妻子的性愛過程中得到快感,只是學著AV中男主角高潮時的神態,扮作很享受,當作交功課,速速完事,盼妻子不察覺自己的異樣。相比陰道交,我較喜歡以Lesbian的方式(如愛撫)做愛。說實話,當初選擇結婚以為可以迫使自己做一個男人,想自己可以改變,迎合別人對我的期盼,但其實是不行的。過了約一年半後,我便與太太離婚,原因並非她發現我有想變性的想法,而是她在外面有第三者。」 Yannes 跟我們說,她現在已經過了兩年的全裝生活(註1),但這過程中一路並不好走。 「其實家人一直都反對我進行變性,平時回家吃飯的時候,他們都會利用不同的言詞向我施壓,希望我改變。甚至乎有次試過回家吃飯的時候,家人...

[sissieslifeandtimes] Training the male Part 5

Training the male Part 5 Bed time is an especially important time for training. The male should have an early bed time and often have it changed to even earlier. For example I love to send Sissie to bed while he has started to enjoy something like a TV show or when guests are over and he has served his purpose. To say, "Sissie I think it's your bed time, go get ready for bed and come back and tell everyone goodnight before you go to sleep" is especially gratifying. The looks on the faces of the guests as they see him hang his head and go off to do as he was told is priceless. When he returns though it gets even better as he is required to wear only the shortest and frilliest nighties. He also wears fluffy slippers and carries a baby doll. But there is more to it than meets the eye. For example he must insert a butt plug and keep his padded bra on. These help to remind him of what he is. He also wears a tight corset 24/7 so this does not get removed. Once he is all rea...

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