Evanesce Herbal Hormones from The Phoenix Project.htm

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The Phoenix Project

Evanesce, Feminol

The Stuff That Works!™

Stop Fantasizing Start Feminizing

Extreme Potency Herbal Extracts

It's Not "Just Herbs" -- Its Evanesce™

Information and products to help you achieve gender congruity - part time or full time

Standardized Extract Herbal-Based Hormones for Feminization of M2F Crossdressers, Transgender and Transsexuals
Standardized Extracts of herbs, Processed and Formulated to be Far More Potent Than Any Store-bought Herbs
Formulated to be Everything You Need, while being Healthy for your Body
An extraordinarily Potent and Powerful Step Above store-bought Herbs.


updated July 13, 2009

Lots of interesting discussion on our Message Boards -- Let's Talk!

HEY Aussies -- Beginning Today, we can once again ship into Australia!!

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How Do Hormones Work? An Overview and Hormone Primer

Hormone MYTHS vs. FACTS When Feminizing a Male Body

Read about a Lynn Conway, a Transgender Super Hero and her amazing contributions to the core of modern society!

Who Are We? Why Should You Buy From Us

Evanesce Classic
The first step in feminizing a male body, is to reduce testosterone levels and production.
Feminizing cannot really begin until this has happened.

The Evanesce formulation performs two crucial tasks:
Evanesce has the strongest, safest, testosterone blockers you can legally get without a prescription,
Evanesce has significant estrogen resources, to enable the feminizing processes.

Evanesce was the first feminizing, herbal formulation to take advantage of state-of-the-art processing technologies which extract the active ingredients from herbs.
By using extracts of active ingredients, it is easy to get powerful potent results from capsules full of herbs, instead of having to eat hands-full, or bottles full, of store herbs every day.

The Evanesce mixture of extracts of herbs, is based on German research which showed that certain herbs were synergystic;
i.e., that when mixed in specific ratios, certain herbs multiplied the potency of other herbs.
Yes, there is a research-based reason for the specific herbal extracts used in the Evanesce formulation, and for the ratios of those herbal extracts to each other.

All of this makes Evanesce completely different from anything you may have heard others say about using herbs to feminize a male body.

One special element of this formulation is that once physical changes begin,
you can control the rate of feminizing changes, to meet your specific social, family, and career situations.
This is just not possible when using drug hormones.
You need to know that drug hormones are prescription items simply because of the damage they can do to your liver and kidneys with long term un-monitored usage

And raw -- store bought -- herbs are just not likely to bring any changes at all to your body.

Evanesce Classic is a safe, natural, phytoestrol-rich herbal-formula capsule, with an amazing track record of satisfaction within the transgender community since 1991..

According to Susun Weed in her book Menopausal Years, "Using plants rich in phytoestrols is remarkably different from taking hormones, even natural ones ... Phytoestrols provide hormonal building blocks, rather than hormones themselves, thus allowing [your body] to create the precise amounts (and combinations) of hormones needed on your unique ... journey.
"When using phytoestrol-rich herbs, you don't have to eliminate excess hormones or know exactly what dose to take. With a smorgasbord of choices, the body ... can create the hormones [it] needs from the building blocks supplied by the plant.
"This process removes the 'stress of eliminating excess estrogen' from the kidneys and liver", says Weed.

To learn more about the truth about Phyto-estrogens/phytoestrols, click here.

Evanesce Classic is also an extraordinary formulation for helping born-women to manage their PMS and/or menopause symptoms.
Born-women will use less, and generally will use Evanesce Classic only on their bad or trouble days


90 capsules per bottle; long-term feedback indicates ideal usage for feminization is 6 capsules daily in the initial phase of transformation,
and 3-4 capsules daily once physical changes have begun.

Frequently Asked Questions

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PayPal Orders:
USA, Canada, New Zealand, other International
Shipments to Australia will resume about May 1, 2009!!

Feminol -
NOW, After twenty years of being the very best combination of herbal extracts for male feminization,
Feminol has been significantly improved by new 21st Century herbal processing techniques!
Feminol now is formulated from extraordinarily higher potency Standardized Extracts of the herbs with a proven track record of success within the M2F TG/TS communities!

Feminol is wonderful "sister"/synergystic product to Evanesce and to Evanesce-ES.
Plus, Feminol now contains contains Pueraria Mirifica -- the miracle breast growth Thai kudzu -- and Pueraria Lobata, another very beneficial form of kudzu;
as well as many additional types of phyto-estrogenic Concentrated and Standardized herbal Extracts which work together synergistically for maximum efficiency in helping you to reach your goals!

We chose a two-capsule delivery system -- Evanesce plus Feminol -- to make certain you would get enough of the best ingredients.

Feminol used alone, does not have the testosterone-blocking ability which is SO crucial to your feminization.
Therefore, Feminol works best when taken along with Evanesce.

New Feminol will be available in Europe in about 45 days. Please check back here.
This New Feminol formulation means YES we can once again ship these into Australia.

60 capsules per bottle; long term feedback indicates ideal usage is 3-4 capsules per day.

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European [EC] Delivery Address Ordering Information

Evanesce-ES -
Evanesce ES = Extra Strength

Take the amazing Evanesce formulation from the past 20 years, and update it to take advantage of 21st Century herbal processing technology.

This formulation has:
25% more testosterone blocking power than the original formulation,
and standardized extracts of several of the ingredients, which are newly available,
which means you get FAR more "bang for the buck" in each capsule
-- each capsule is FAR more potent -- more powerful -- than the original formulation

This formulation now also includes soy isoflavones,
as well as Pueraria Murifica
for an even bigger boost to the breast growing and health potential of this amazing herbal formulation

90 capsules per bottle; suggested initial usage is 4-6 capsules per day.

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European [EC] Delivery Address Ordering Information

AndroEase -
The new Gold Standard in Testosterone Reduction.

AndroEase is a drug free formulation using Standardized Herbal Extracts specifically intended to target your body's testosterone production.

The body cannot begin to feminize, until its testosterone production is significantly reduced.
Now, this step can be accomplished faster and safer than ever before, without the dangerous side effects that certain drugs can cause.

There are no feminizing herbs in this formulation.

AndroEase works to help feminize the male body, when used in conjunction with Evanesce and Feminol

Some people only want to reduce their testosterone levels, without necessarily feminizing their body.
Some people only want to get their "testosterone monster" under control,
so that they can live a more calm and peaceful life.
AndroEase is the product they have been searching for.

The AndroEase testosterone reduction formulation works best when taken at the same time as CalmCompanion. (see below)

60 capsules per bottle; Recommended usage is 2 capsules per day, taken at the same time as your evening meal.

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CalmCompanion -

The perfect companion product for AndroEase.

The entire testosterone reducing formulation is so extensive that we could not get it all into one capsule.

We wanted to do this right for you, to give you the very best formulation, so instead of leaving anything out, we created a second, companion, capsule.

There are no feminizing herbs in this formulation.

60 capsules per bottle; Recommended usage is 1 - 2 capsules per day, taken at the same time as your evening meal.

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Anti-Testosterone Combo Special -
This Introductory Special Combo package contains one bottle of AndroEase, and one bottle of CalmCompanion

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Feminais/PhytoFemme -
Feminais/PhytoFemme, is a unique blend of herbs and concentrated extracts of herbs,
which have been shown to:

* Promote the production and maintenance of new cells
which is important during periods of rapid cell division and growth such as during periods of breast growth/male feminization.

* Reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression, anxiety, irritabiity, emotional agitation and/or irritability.

* Help to improve energy levels, especially as we age.

* Help the body remain healthy during periods of extraordinary stress, such as occurs during transition.

* Support cardiovascular/heart, liver, central nervous, and immune system function.
by keeping connective tissues and muscles throughout the body strong and elastic.

Preliminary studies even indicate that one of the ingredients may be useful in reducing alcoholism.

One of the ingredients in Feminais/Phytofemme is an herbal/vegetable extract called Diindolylmethane (DIM).
DIM has a unique capability to promote beneficial actions of estrogen.

DIM creates a safer cellular environment for estrogen.
It has the power to greatly reduce estrogen exposure as a risk for cancer.
Research suggests DIM may reduce the risk of breast, uterine, cervical, and prostate cancers, as well as improve mood and memory.

Supplemental use of DIM provides the basis for nutritional support to enhance the beneficial action and safety of estrogen metabolism in both sexes. Improving estrogen balance in men may serve as a basis for enhancing prostate health.
DIM掇 conversion of unhealthy estrogen metabolites into the beneficial forms can help to protect against hormone related cancers.

There are some studies which indicate that DIM can help to prevent osteoarthritis.

For the very best results in these health areas while feminizing,
we strongly suggest that you also take our Vitamin B-Forte formulation.

30 capsules per bottle; suggested usage is One capsule per day.

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Essential Fatty Acids Oil Blend -

These capsules have Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Omega-6 Fatty Acids, Flaxseed Oil and Borage Seed Oil, along with vitamin E.

Essential Fatty Acids are the GOOD fats the human body needs.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are necessary fats that humans cannot synthesize, and must be obtained through diet or supplements.
Most Americans are Omega-3 deficient because of our over-processed diets.

One of the most common symptoms of Omega-3 deficiency is depression, among other mental health symptoms.

Good fats compete with bad fats, so it's important to minimize the intake of trans-fatty acids (from hydrogenated vegetable oils) and cholesterol (animal fat) while consuming enough good fats.
Also, good fats raise your HDL or "good cholesterol".
One of the jobs of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or "good cholesterol" is to grab your bad cholesterol, LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), and escort it to the liver where it is broken down and excreted.
In other words, these good fats can reverse some of the damage already done by the bad fats.
This is very important in an age when so many Americans are struggling to get their cholesterol down, and fight heart disease and obesity.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune, and nervous systems.

The human body needs EFAs to manufacture and repair cell membranes, enabling the cells to obtain optimum nutrition and expel harmful waste products. A primary function of EFAs is the production of prostaglandins, which regulate body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood clotting, fertility, conception, and play a role in immune function by regulating inflammation and encouraging the body to fight infection.
Essential Fatty Acids are also needed for proper growth in children, particularly for neural development and maturation of sensory systems, with male children having higher needs than females.

EFA deficiency and Omega 6/3 imbalance is linked with serious health conditions, such as heart attacks, cancer, insulin resistance, asthma, lupus, schizophrenia, depression, postpartum depression, accelerated aging, stroke, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, ADHD, and Alzheimer's Disease, among others.

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Multiple-Vitamin Formulations -- (2)
Changes to your body as you feminize are very stressful and will deplete important vitamins and minerals, often faster than a normal diet/nutrition can replace those vitamins and minerals. In addition, many people going into a feminization program will also be losing weight, which will also deplete vitamins and minerals quickly.

We now have two very good multiple vitamin formulations which work well on their own,
but which work the very best for those in transition if used with the additional "B" and "C" vitamins below;
this total-health vitamin plan was developed out of a decade of experience within the T'Gender communities, to meet T'Gender people's unique health needs during this stressful time of transition and change.

(1) Nycleon is an extraordinary multi-vitamin/mineral formulation
Click here for an ingredients listing.
Available in 30-caplet bottles,recommended at 1-2 daily.

Click Here for more information.

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(2) MultiLogics - Multiple Vitamin for Women
Click here for an ingredients listing.
Available in 90-caplet bottles, recommended at 3 daily.

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Vitamin B-Forte / B-Complex
Many people have written that adding a good herbal B-Vitamin Complex to their daily Evanesce/Feminol routine
seems to help them to think more clearly, and helps everything in their life to work better.

In addition, there is a significant link between healthy estrogen levels and B-Vitamin levels.

Stress and sugar in particular, quickly deplete the body's B-Vitamins stores, leaving you feeling always exhausted, unable to function well or even to cope with life's challenges; some people describe this feeling as a perpetual hangover feeling.

The typical American diet does not provide the extraordinarily important B-Vitamins which are crucial to daily functioning.

These capsules provide a full spectrum of the B-Complex vitamins (including niacin), necessary to support proper nervous system function, cardiovascular health, and management of fatigue and tension.
(These can even help cure a hangover!)

Available in 30-tablet bottles, recommended at 2-3 daily.

Click Here for more information.

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Evening Primrose Oil -
Evening Primrose Oil is a rich source of omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are particularly beneficial to women's unique health needs. The EFAs in Evening Primrose Oil help to maintain blood vessel function, for healthy skin and hormone balance. Some people believe that breasts grow even more quickly when they also take Evening Primrose Oil along with the Evanesce, etc.

Click Here for more information.

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Coenzyme Q-10
MEDICAL ALERT: An increasingly popular class of cardiovascular drugs called statins interfere with the body's synthesis of CoQ10.
Top selling statin drugs, such as Lipitor and Zocor, lower the body's production of cholesterol.

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like fat-soluble antioxidant found everywhere in the body;
the highest concentrations have been measured in vital organs such as the heart and pancreas.
At age 20, the heart has a higher CoQ10 level than other major organs.
At age 80 this is no longer true, with the heart levels cut by more than half.

More than 35 controlled clinical trials in Japan, Europe and the U.S. have proven that CoQ10 therapy is highly effective in treatment of congestive heart failure, angina and ischemic heart disease, and myocardial infarction.

It is now believed that CoQ10 is the key nutrient for generating 95 percent of the total energy required by the human body..)

Researcher Dr. John Ely, of the University of Washington, holds that CoQ10 supplementation is essential in the aged.
Between ages 21 and 30, levels of CoQ10 begin to drop, perhaps because of aging.
This causes the degeneration of cells, which may contribute to age-related diseases and conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease and the breakdown of skin tissue.

Feel better, TODAY!
Help your body to function better, starting TODAY.

Available in a Ubiquinona L form at 50mg capsule packed as 60 capsules per bottle, or a 75mg capsule packed as 60 capsules per bottle, or in a 30mg capsule packed as 120 capsules per bottle.

This Product is NOT available to ship to European [EC] Delivery Addresses

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The Employer's Guide To Gender Transition
- © Dianna
Many major corporations have been using this guide for many years, to implement programs to help transgendered employees make trouble-free gender-role transitions on-the-job. Approved by the First International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy (ICTLEP), and by the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), this guide is an outstanding resource for the Transgender Community. Vancouver General Hospital, in a research paper co-funded by the Canadian government, quoted extensively from this guide.

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Changes: Co-Worker's Guide to Understanding the Gender Role Transition

- © Dianna C.
This is a companion book to the Employer's Guide to Gender Transition. Commissioned and approved by the International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy (ICTLEP), this booklet is designed to help educate the co-workers and friends of an individual making gender-role changes. It is written in a dual-format style, with two levels of information to make it easy for people of differing personality styles to understand. This booklet is written to cover either gender-role transition, but is necessarily slanted to specific issues of Male-to-Female.

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Ambi-Gendered: God's Special Gift

- © Dianna C.
Religion is one of the most frustrating and dis-heartening aspects of a gender-role transition for many people, because it is so often used as a weapon against the conscience of an individual making the changes. However, research which provided the foundations of this book strongly indicates that transgendered people have played significant and valuable roles in the history of civilization. Many Biblical commentators over the past 130+ years have addressed transgender issues in a positive manner. This reference book is invaluable to those who must struggle with, or against, religion; and for those who want to reconcile their spirituality with their transition processes.

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Out of the Ordinary -

Essays on Growing Up With Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Parents - © 2000, St.Martin's Press
For years, people have talked about the children of GLBT parents. Pundits have weighed in on whether it's just too hard to be in a family that doesn't conform to the Mom-Dad-Kids-Dog model. Activists have battled in the legislature and the court of public opinion over custody and adoption rights for gay parents. GLBT people themselves have spoken about how parenthood fits in (or doesn't) with gay culture; what it's like to fight for the right to love a child; and whether GLBT parents are intrinsically different from straight parents. But few people -- whether psychologists, politicians, or other so-called experts -- have listened to the people who have been raised by GLBT parents, to hear the stories of what it's like to grow up in a family that society deems atypical, or even abhorrent.
Out of the Ordinary collects, for the first time, personal essays by the children of GLBT parents. These essays range in tone from humorous to poignant, fearful to accepting, and angry to hopeful -- sometimes all at once. We hear from professional writers and from college students; from radical activists and from conservative Christians; and from straight, bisexual, and gay children of gay parents.
This book won Lambda Literary Awards in two catagories in 2001!

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The Transgender Experience (CD or Cassette Tape format)

Many have said this is a very good "coming out" tape for family and friends!
Dianna was a guest on KOA radio in Denver - to a broadcast audience of 100,000 people in 37 states. The feedback from this program - especially from people who are not personally part of the T'Gender Community - has been very positive in terms of its educational content;

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Women in the Workplace - A Man's Perspective - © Dr. Lloyd S. Lewan

The CEO of one of western America's leading office equipment corporations has presented the information in this book to audiences all over America. His insights and observations form the basis of a powerful yet succinct look at the real-world differences between how men and women act and react in the real world. This book is invaluable to anyone seriously considering a permanent gender role change. It is also invaluable information for anyone who still believes the myth that they know everything about women.....

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NOTE: - FDA disclaimer - The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent a disease; but rather are dietary supplements intended for nutritional support.

Send questions or comments to dianna@myevanesce.com



Caramel's TGirls Interview With Ashley George


[TG Story] The Posing Stone