i see lots of posts about it ? you cant make a man into a sisie nor a woman by simple castartion . just a female estrogen hormone regiment will accomplish the same as castration with a better mental attitude about it . i know in my cicumstance i told my girlfreind that i need to become a woman which she was ok with . but rather quickly i found i didnt have a stich of my former male attire left and almost as quick i found that i wasnt able to perfom in any sort of masculine role nada zip not even a pee hardon in the morning and shrink age i got to wher i didnt need to tuck or disguise it at all in panties one had to look very close to even guess i wasnt female . and your complete way of thinking is feminized . getting to the second part of my post that deals with anal sex , when i told my girl i wanted to be female i also informed her that having a boyfreind was not something that was on my mind her reply was ok well this is something you should have as a girl hon .. one night while trying to accomplish an amorous adventure withh her try as we may try as we might it simply wasnt going to happen on my side . she could see i wa squite upset she took my face into her hands and says sweety its ok you cant function as a man but all that does is mean your becoming more of a woman and a new exciting time is coming for you .. the next night she arranged a double date for us and told me hon yya know what is expected of a girl and how to please your date ..the conclusion castration is a complete turning loose of a masculiane lifestlye in all ways . work is just an excuse i spent time working as the shampoo girl at her friends beauty parlor . its all what you make of it and enjoying life as a female or a feminized male can be quite fullfilling and you may discover things you like alot . all sisies should become good at recieving anal sex from a MAN while a woman with a strap on is fun she lacks the hard driving sexual lust of a man .