全新女體情趣娃娃裝 Love the skin you're in! Mother-and-son business sells full-body WOMAN SUITS for men who want to live as rubber dolls Adam Ramos and his mother currently cater to 400,000 transgender and cross-dressers across the world One of their best customers is a 70-year-old retired estate agent who goes by the name of 'Sherry' Mr Ramos inherited the business from his father and says he takes great pride in making his work look realistic A mother-and-son team have become one of the driving forces behind what has been described as a 'rubber dolling craze' by manufacturing and selling full female body suits to men who choose to live as female dolls. Adam Ramos and his mother currently cater to 400,000 transgender and cross-dressing people across the world. Mr Ramos, from Florida, who oversees the making of dozens of silicone body suits a week, inherited the business from his father, who came up with the idea after watching a TV show called 'Real...