
目前顯示的是 5月, 2011的文章

SHOP Toshy

一個有趣的部落客,他作了一些美美的褲襪3D模擬圖,很性感ㄋ~。 http://shoptoshy.blogspot.com/

Tranny Q&A Pt 1




Hetero MTF TS Dating: It Does Get Better


Newhalf 1 Year on Hormones Male to Female Transition (一年服藥過程變化記錄)


Pueraria Mirifica Herb for Breast Enlargement

看到有網友在推薦這個產品,是標榜純植物性女性荷爾蒙,應該是野葛根之類去萃取的,但個人沒服用過,或許有誰可以分享心得?不過價格都不便宜呀! http://www.puerariamirifica.com/

[sissieslifeandtimes] sissy Spotting

For those of you without the courage to simply wear a bra under a t-shirt, may I suggest what I do with my sissy husband. He has nipple rings in both nipples. Instead of the regular nipple rings, however, he has "padlock-type" rings. These are available on Ebay or in Paypal shops. He has several bras that have grommets (you can purchase a grommet maker at Walmart, K-Mart, etc.) in them. I simply lock the padlocks over the bra. He has no choice but to wear the bra. If you do not have a dominant or you wish to do this without the nipple rings, simply get a REALLY tight bra that fastens in the front, poke two small holes in the front, and insert a padlock. Then place the key somewhere that will force you to regain it at the cost of public exposure. Is what we are all realy thinking is that we lack the courage to be as we truely desire. We need a Woman to gove us the strength to accept the truth and A bra is pretty hard to miss under a regular shirt, especially if it is a nice...

America's Hottest Transsexuals Compilation Part 2


America's Hottest Transsexuals Compilation Part 1


Miss transsexual. (Subtitles Hebrew. Part-1)


Miss transsexual. (Subtitles Hebrew. Part-2)


Miss transsexual. (Subtitles Hebrew. Part-5)


Miss transsexual. (Subtitles Hebrew. Part-4)


Miss transsexual. (Subtitles Hebrew. Part-3)



Another very effective milking technique to drive a man insane with desire.  You just have to be careful that you never, ever touch the head of his penis.  It'll be extremely sensitive, and if you touch it, he's likely to instantly explode with orgasm. You can grab hold of the shaft of his penis, and even stroke it a bit, just don't touch the head or anywhere near it.  If a man has a small penis, like my hubby's, it might mean that you don't touch his penis at all. The idea is to not let him cum, and prolong the session.  Drag it out.  Take your time.  Relish in his frustration, his desperate pleas, and erotic suffering.  You just slowly massage his prostate with your finger… you kind of flick your finger up like you ' re saying "come here", or you can use a special dildo called an Andros that has a special curve and a knob on the end that is designed to hit his prostate just right… and do it until his penis starts leaking semen. That's how you m...

Sissy Takes A Ride

Sissy Takes A Ride I'd dressed her in a pretty blue & white satin chemise, and put on a skintight red spandex number myself. It's got a very short skirt and is split up the back to boot. This creates an opening *just* the right size for a slave's face, in just the right spot for some nice ass worship. So as we stood in the playroom I ordered tia to get on her knees and kiss my ass while I smoked a cigarette. Izzy and shygirl were doing their own thing across the room in the dentist chair, and I enjoyed watching them as I smoked. My pet's ass-worship was adequate but she still has a lot to learn. Fastidious slut's still scared of putting her tongue right up in there the way I like! Well, she'll learn eventually even if I have to beat it into her. *evil grin* After a while I moved to the sofa, where I had a better view. And tia switched her attentions to worshipping my feet in my sexy new black pumps. I so love watching her mouth slide up and down on my hee...


作者:賴品瑀 《子不語》裡,有這麼一個故事: 在清初,有位胡天保,喜歡上了一個帥氣的巡按御史,如此的鬼迷心竅為他帶來了殺身之禍,因為如此的痴心,陰神將他封為兔兒神,專管人間同性相戀之事,福建地方有人替他建了廟,果真非常靈驗。後來,只要有想要偷偷相會約見,或是有愛戀不受贊同者,都會前往祈求庇佑。 初次讀到時,覺得這真是一個好浪漫好溫柔的故事,也恍然大悟為何有人以兔子來指稱同志。而在國民天團五月天走紅之前,也曾經以地下樂團的身份發表過一首歌曲:雌雄同體,當中歌詞寫到: 「我要你看到我/你不該猜測應該享受/我要你愛上我/你不該猜測應該愛我/我可以是男是女/可以飄移不定/可以調整百分比/只要你愛我一切都沒問題/只要你愛我一切都沒問題」 除了人類在心境上的渴望,在生物界,有少數的動物真的是雌雄同體。 例如總是在潮間帶礁石上緊緊相依的藤壺,身為不能自行移動的固著性動物,一個藤壺同時具有雄性及雌性的生殖器官,但是要不同個體之間進行異體受精,於是牠們用比身體長兩倍的雄性生殖器和鄰居相互交配,同時互相交換精子,也同時懷孕。 海蛞蝓、蝸牛、蚯蚓等等的動物也是類似的狀況,牠們雖說為雌雄同體,但還是藉由不同個體間互相交換精液,才可以讓繁衍出的子代,帶有不同的親源的遺傳性狀,以增大個體的變異而獲得適應環境的優勢。 而更加低等的條蟲,可行自體受精。所以就算寄主身上只住著一隻條蟲,牠們依然可以維持種族生存。 大多數的珊瑚也是雌雄同體的動物,雖然無法從外表判斷,但珊瑚利用有性和無性兩種方式傳宗接代,有性生殖經由精子和卵子的結合而繁衍下一代;無性生殖則是以出芽或分裂的方法,產生新的群體。而生活在珊瑚礁中的石斑魚,更具有奇特的性轉變現象,通常是小時候是雌性,長大後變成雄性。這種雌性先熟的也算雌雄同體。 看來需要兔兒神關愛的生物,這世界到處都是呀!希望大家在關懷生命之餘,也可以對身邊的同志朋友更加的友好,大家都只是渴望自己能被愛著,不是嗎?兔兒神廟,台灣也有興建一座,就在新北市永和區永和路一段的巷弄內,也許會有不少需要被愛的朋友,也想趁著年假,來尋求兔兒神溫柔的守護吧!