
目前顯示的是 11月, 2010的文章


INTERSEX & TRANSGENDER IN POP CULTURE 流行文化中的雌雄同體與變性美女 不要叫他們雌雄同體。兩性間的人,誰擁有男性和女性的結合器官,身體構造屬性,最近一直是備受媒體的關注焦點。 首先,有傳言稱歌星女神卡卡有一個陰莖,一個奇怪的事件後,她在一次音樂會。女神卡卡否認這一傳聞,他說:“我沒有生氣 - 我的陰道是生氣。” Lady GaGa has addressed rumours that she is a hermaphrodite during an interview on Australian radio. The pop diva sparked a flurry of gossip and speculation after footage of her recent performance at Glastonbury appeared to show a bump in her crotch. Speaking to Brisbane radio station Nova, GaGa said she wasn't offended by the rumours, but that her vagina was. "My beautiful vagina is very offended," she told radio hosts Meshel, Ash and Tim when asked about the rumours. "I'm not offended - my vagina is offended." The 23-year-old 'Poker Face' singer went on to blame the rumours on "society's reaction to a strong woman - the idea that we equate strength with man and a penis as a symbol of male strength". Earlier in the week, Lady GaGa abruptly e...

Self-Made Woman: A Transgender Latina Tells Her Story

Sometimes I think that women don’t appreciate their bodies, themselves and their own power enough. I know, because as a transgender woman, my female body has been 15 years in the making. I’ve worked extremely hard to build what you have been born with. As a little boy growing up with my grandparents in Fajardo, Puerto Rico, I used to watch my aunts put on makeup and clothes for hours. I was very feminine. When I went out, people sometimes thought I was a little girl. My hair was always really nice, so my grandmother let it grow a bit long; my grandfather used to yell at me for resting on one hip when I stood or fluttering my fingers when I spoke. In school, kids called me Palomita. However, what I felt was different from identifying as gay: What I saw in the mirror and what people saw were different from how I felt inside. I was meant to be a girl. But that didn’t become clear to me until I was 18 and living on my own in Reno, Nev. One Halloween, I dressed up as a woman—black and wh...

米歇爾加西亞(Michelle Garcia) - 爵士/搖滾歌手,詞曲作者和音樂

Michelle Garcia - Jazz/Rock Vocalist, Songwriter & Musician Artist Biography by: Aparna Datta A NEW TALENT FOR A NEW GENERATION Michelle Garcia is a new vocalist to keep your ears open for. As a young child, she grew up in a family that loved music. Her dad played the saxophone, her brother the guitar, and she herself started a band while she was in high school. Her first taste of experiencing what it felt like to be a part of a band was a flavor she continued to crave. As the years continued to pass her by, she allowed her love of music to guide her to where she is today. Having being associated with great musicians and entertainers such as Richard Elliot, Katie Segal, Danny Elman, Rick Elfman, she seemed pre-destined to be around influential entertainers who motivated her to reach her own personal goals; however several life struggles had tried to stop her from reaching her dreams of being a professional musician. Her path crossed with many people in the music industry w...

Transsexual Alyssa Luxor in cute pink bra and panty ;)

I Helped My Teen *SON* Become a *GIRL*!! - Part 4/4 (Maury 2008)

I Helped My Teen *SON* Become a *GIRL*!! - Part 3/4 (Maury 2008)

I Helped My Teen *SON* Become a *GIRL*!! - Part 1/4 (Maury 2008)

Sex Change Operation Surgery - SRS Reassignment


Shemale babes


英50歲男子兩次變性都交桃花運 富豪向"她"求婚(圖)

   兩次變性前的薩姆·哈斯米。 性感女郎"薩曼莎"。   50歲的英國西倫敦房產開發商查爾斯·凱恩從外表看起來就是一"帥哥",然而鮮為人知的是,查爾斯過去曾兩度做過變性手術,他先是從男性變成了女性,可沒過幾年後,"她"厭當女人,又接受變性手術重新變回了"男兒身"。不過性別變了幾次,不變的就是他極旺的"桃花運"。恢復"男兒身"後的他又贏得了一名比他年輕22歲的美女的芳心。    重金打造成性感女郎   查爾斯·凱恩本來是一名叫做薩姆·哈斯米的男子。從1987年起,他接受了一連串的變性手術,包括花費1萬英鎊接受了男性生殖器切除手術和女性生殖器再造手術,終於如願獲得了"女兒身",薩姆還將自己的名字改成了女性化的"薩曼莎·凱恩"。然薩姆的變性行為直接導致了他和妻子特魯迪的婚姻崩潰。   變性後的"薩曼莎"總共花費10萬英鎊接受了多次整形和美容手術,包括隆胸手術和臉部整容手術等,最後"薩曼莎"竟搖身變成了一個"比女人還女人"的性感女郎。   "薩曼莎"從來就不缺少追求對象,一名富有的英國地主也淪為了她的"裙下之臣",並向她展開了求婚。儘管"薩曼莎"曾和他短暫訂過婚,但當"她"透露自己是一名"變性人"後,那名富翁仍然打了退堂鼓。    再次變身的查爾斯和他的新女友。    厭倦之後再度變性   2004年,"薩曼莎"終於開始厭倦了當女人的日子,"薩曼莎"開始感到自己當年的變性行為是一個"可怕的錯誤"。所以5年前,"薩曼莎"又花費25000英鎊,在倫敦查林十字醫院性別診所連續接受了3次變性手術,再次變回了"男兒身"!"薩曼莎"又將名字改成"查爾斯·凱恩"。    恢復男身又交"桃花運"   恢復男兒身後,凱恩試圖與女性約會,屢屢遭到拒絕或嘲諷。他開始擔心沒有女子敢愛上自己。20...