Eyelash Extensions
Eyelash Extensions From LoveToKnow Makeup For certain extra drama to your evening look, try eyelash extensions for instants. Although false eyelashes can be a little tricky to apply, they are fun to wear and add a distinctive dimension to your appearance on those extra special occasions. Natural eyelash growth can be difficult to enhance, but extensions can give you the lush lashes that mother nature didn't. Types of Eyelash Extensions False eyelashes are available in three types: full set strip, separate flares, or individual strands. Strip Lashes These are pre-made eyelash extensions in an attached strip. They are the most noticeable type and provide a flirtatiously fake appearance. Best for an evening look, they tend to be the easiest to use and offer the quickest application. Separate Flares More natural looking than the strips, they tend to be smaller and shorter. A halfway version between the longer strips and the individual lashes, they can be used to add a s...