
目前顯示的是 1月, 2009的文章

Brava Breast Non-Surgical Enhancement News Story

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug5TxfW8BHg Brava System Use -Part II (安裝注意技巧) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIHubAQJpCk Brava System Use -Part III (剝除吸罩) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ4-94N7gL0

Study Confirms Brava System's Non-Surgical Breast Enhancement Effectiveness

Non-Surgical Breast Enhancement A major study published in the November 2007 edition of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, reports that the majority of women who completed a study using the Brava System increased their breast size by 150cc, or well over one full breast size. This key finding was based on a medical study, which took place in Europe, conducted by Ingrid Schlenz, M.D. and Alexandra Kaider, M. Sc. The study is titled, The Brava External Tissue Expander: Is Breast Enlargement without Surgery a Reality, and reports that long-term breast enlargement is possible with the use of an external tissue expander such as the Brava System. Of the 40 women (age 17-53 years old) who completed the study, the average participant used the system 11 hours per day for 18-1/2 weeks resulting in a median breast volume increase of 155cc. Each woman was informed of the necessary wear time needed to successfully complete the study and were extensively surveyed on various aspects of using the ...

All-Natural Breast Enlargement

There's Something About Miriam - The End

她真的長的好像 Jenefer Lopez 喔

Self Breast Massage 不錯的示範解說

Breast Massage - How to do Breast Massage? Enlargement & Firming

Breast implant surgery result from thailand

AfterTransformation 2

An Amazing Make-Over

Feminine Illusions

transvesitite or transgendered beauty contest 2006


Amanda Lepore interview

Antony and the Johnsons-You Are My Sister


Hercules and Love Affair - "You Belong"

BeYoNcE-Single Ladies (High Quality)


Beyonce- Single Ladies [ Dance Slowed and Flipped]

2008 Year in Review: Music

http://www.afterellen.com/music/2008/12/theyearinmusic?page=0%2C0 2008 Year in Review: Music by Trish Bendix , Blog Editor December 15, 2008 2008 saw even more lesbian and bisexual women making a splash in the music world then ever before – and more straight women trying to capitalize on the media's obsession with bisexuality. Several bisexual and lesbian musicians released new music this year, and increasingly utilized digital resources to promote their work. Whether it's recording their own video blogs, or blogging on their MySpace pages, artists are clearly getting the hang of the internet marketing revolution, bringing them closer to their fans, and helping them reach new ones. Here's an overview of some of the year's most notable releases, trends, music and moments related to lesbian/bi musicians. The Katy Perry Syndrome Despite the positive technological advances in artist promotion, other trends were all too familiar, such as the borrowed...

Mos Def/Hercules & Love Affair

Mos Def/Hercules & Love Affair | 10.03 By: Jim Welte Mos Def & Hercules and Love Affair :: 10.03.08 :: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts :: San Francisco, CA Hercules and Love Affair By Neil365 / MusicLikeDirt.com Regardless of who comes out on top on November 4th, The New Party is one of this election season's big winners. The fictional coalition, conjured up as the political theme for the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts ' 2008 gala benefit in San Francisco, served up live sets by one of the hottest bands in dance music: Hercules and Love Affair , and one of hip-hop's most enigmatic wordsmiths: Mos Def . Attendees of the pricey gala, which featured free booze and tasty eats from an array of the Bay Area's top restaurants, were greeted by would-be protesters chanting comical slogans like, "What do we wa...

London calling - Move over Madonna

London calling - Move over Madonna Joe Fountain One of the few things that I still like about being in this city is the fact that I have at my disposal every sort of musical entertainment possible. On any given night of the week, and sometimes at lunchtime, there is a choice of thousands of venues ranging from small, dingy pubs to enormous stadiums on which the unfamous, the yet-to-be-famous and the super-famous perform. Be it classical, opera, pop, indie, world, or whatever category you can think of, London is guaranteed to offer the music lover the best time. I usually make it a point to go see some sort of performance once a month, so over the years I have accumulated quite an impressive list of gigs, concerts and performances with only a few memorable duds which include Air at Brixton Academy, Aimee Mann at Sheperd's Bush Empire (this definitely gets the award for the most boring gig I have ever seen) and Madonna's Confessions tours at Wembley Arena. Followi...

Hercules and Love Affair

http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2008/sep/09/popandrock Hercules and Love Affair Koko, London Betty Clarke The Guardian, Tuesday 9 September 2008 Article history It's a long way from the decadent days of Studio 54, but just as Hercules and Love Affair's seamless blend of warehouse-birthed dance and classic disco is getting bodies twitching, Andrew Butler brings the set to a shuddering halt. Hercules and Love Affair Koko, London Warehouse Project, Manchester (0161-835 3500) on November 29. Then touring. The New York DJ and intuitive band-leader is no party pooper - just a perfectionist, and he demands his seven-strong band begin again, adding: "We're gonna really turn it out this time." The outfit have been on the road for four months, and Butler's long-cherished vision of song-orientated yet euphoric dance is now as sleek and glossy as transsexual singer Nomi Ruiz's long dark hair. Personifying late 1970s dis...

Hercules & Love Affair - Hercules' Theme


Hercules & Love Affair - Time Will

[feminizingsissies] Meanings of your name" ; Just check out

  N AME M EANINGS Instructions : What you do is find out what each letter of your name means. Then connect all the meanings and it describes YOU. ( Is'nt it GREAT !!) If you have double or triple letters, just count the meaning once. For Example : EKTA E = You are a very exciting person. K = You like to try new things. T = You have an attitude, a big one. A = You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. ------------ - A = You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. B = You are always cautious when it comes to meeting newpeople . C = You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it. D = You have trouble trusting people. E = You are a very exciting person. F = Everyone loves you . G = You have excellent ways of viewing people. H = You are not judgmental. I = You are always smiling and making others smile. J = Jealously K = You like to try new things . L = Love is something you deeply believe in. M = Success c...

Dictionary For Women

  Dictionary for Women Argument (ar*gyou*ment) n. A discussion that occurs when you're right, but he just hasn't realized it yet.   Airhead (er*hed) n. What a woman intentionally becomes when pulled over by a policeman.   Bar-be-que (bar*bi*q) n. You bought the groceries, washed the lettuce, chopped the tomatoes, diced the onions, marinated the meat and cleaned everything up, but, he, "made the dinner." Blonde jokes (blond joks) n. Jokes that are short so men can understand them. Cantaloupe (kant*e*lope) n. Gotta get married in a church. Clothes dryer (kloze dri*yer) n. An appliance designed to eat socks. Diet Soda (dy*it so*da) n. A drink you buy at a convenience store to go with a half pound bag of peanut M&Ms. Eternity (e*ter*ni*tee) n. The last two minutes of a football game. Exercise (ex*er*siz) v. To walk up and down a mall, occasionally resting to make a purchase. Grocery List (grow*ser*ee list) n. What you spend half an hour writing, ...


2009年01月08日 蘋果日報 男女不思議 放大圖片 圖片: 1 / 1 日本網購樂天市場男性內衣褲連續5周最暢銷的居然是男人專用的胸罩,經路透報導後,在全球引起熱烈反應,多國男人表示有興趣,想購買或合作生產。 當然也有如英國人則不解為何男人需要戴胸罩,廠家表示這種胸罩誕生是因客人反映「為何沒有男人專用胸罩?」男人乳房也需要安全感外,還有諸多理由! 三色可挑像護身符 日本有男人愛戴胸罩早已不是秘密,至今他們都到原宿一家女人內衣褲店買女用胸罩,因為該店對男客試用、購買胸罩見怪不怪,但現在居然男性專用胸罩誕生,這種胸罩跟女性胸罩結構差不多,是背鉤式,有黑、白、粉紅三色,但目前只有A杯,大概巨乳男不多吧! 男人戴胸罩首要理由是要享受「遭緊縛的感覺」,這跟SM(性愉虐)現在也是愛被綑綁的M男大增有關,遭緊縛對於享受社會權威的男人而言是很珍貴的感覺吧! 導演山本晉表示日本男人小時候在祭典時也都讓大人用繃帶纏身,那種緊縛滋味或許也有鄉愁成分在。 許多男人表示戴胸罩有安全感,出門能壯膽,許多男人都是在公司有重要簡報等時穿戴胸罩,胸罩宛如護身符,戴了心情安定、放鬆,集中力增強。 還能加襯墊裝厚胸 男性專用胸罩也能放進襯墊撐高,讓胸板厚實而有男人味道,這種手法豈不跟女人戴超強聚攏胸罩而硬擠出乳溝一樣嗎?沒想到男人也開始在乳房動手腳。 女人對男人戴胸罩則認為「那是個人自由,但不希望自己的男人戴!」 男人戴胸罩追求緊縛感,日本女人卻開始穿起丁字褲來,丁字褲賣得比男性胸罩更好,理由是女人想從遭傳統內褲橡皮筋束縛的感覺解放出來擺脫緊縛感,因此想穿很通風的丁字褲,癖好跟當代男人的父祖輩一樣! 襯衫下祕密 男用胸罩成風潮 民視 (2009-01-10 19:55) 在日本,穿胸罩絕對不是女人的專利,男人專用的胸罩從去年上市之後,銷售量節節高升,因為很多愛用男性胸罩的消費者說,穿起胸罩會感覺很有安全感,在這個不景氣的年代,人心惶惶,男性胸罩竟然也成了重要的減壓商品。這位25歲的男性業務員,下了班回家脫下衣服,這件粉紅色的胸罩超顯眼,可別以為他心裡有問題,因為最近景氣差,業績不好壓力大,2個月前他接觸到男性胸罩,意外發現具有減壓效果,從此一試成主顧。 其實像他一樣的男性很多,這家販賣男性胸罩的公司,從幾年前就...


(2009/01/10 10:08) 日本熱賣一款男性專用的胸罩,穿過胸罩的男人表示,胸罩感覺就像「護身符」一樣,可以治療心靈、紓解壓力。(圖╱取自網路) 國際中心╱編譯 胸罩不再是女性的專利,日本市面上最近出現一款男性專用的胸罩,而且大受歡迎,許多穿過胸罩的日本男人表示,胸罩感覺就像「護身符」一樣,可以治療心靈、紓解壓力。 上班累了一天回到家,一位25歲的男子準備更衣,脫下上衣,裡頭穿的竟然是粉紅色的胸罩!可別以為他是變態,因為他穿的正是男性專用的胸罩,據說穿了能紓解壓力,這位仁兄說,「像是被緊緊抱住,有種很沉穩的感覺,心臟像是被罩住一樣,全身也跟著暖和起來。」 男性胸罩的出現,顛覆了大眾的傳統印象,不過令人更驚訝的是這樣產品,並不是廠商主動開發,而是接獲許多20至40歲上班族男性的要求,內衣公司負責人表示,「客人寫信來說,穿了胸罩有治療心靈的感覺,因此紓解壓力的人也不少。」 精神科專家指出,男性胸罩的流行其實一點也不病態,在生活緊迫的現代社會,反倒發揮了護身符的作用。一位精神科醫師指出,「在公司,因為上司和下屬的關係,想說的話不能說。」 穿上胸罩,讓積蓄的壓力慢慢紓解,像一層保護層一樣。男生穿的胸罩當然和女生不同,質料柔軟,背帶部分也特別寬鬆,即便胸前被包裹起來,還是很舒服。 這款男性胸罩有黑、白、粉紅3種顏色,一件售價3千圓日幣,約合新台幣1100元,在去年11月推出之後,短短2個月就賣出將近2千件,成為網拍熱賣商品,不僅讓業者荷包賺滿滿,也意外掀起討論話題。(新聞來源:東森新聞記者蕭瑋玲)

Esquire Girls Part 8


Esquire Girls Part 7


Esquire Girls Part 6


Esquire Girls Part 5
