


在我的跨性別過渡期間,我研究並發現了七個步驟來發展我真正的女性聲音,我希望與您分享這些步驟。其中七個人在女性氣質上工作,但第八個是一個“秘密”方法,實際上使你的聲音聲音女性 - 不只是女性化!(這將在下面引用的Kathe Perez視頻研究課程中進一步討論)。








是的,有男性和女性的話。在我們的文化中,某些詞幾乎專供男性使用,其他詞則專供女性使用。 練習女性言語的裝飾,變化和細微差別是女性化的重要組成部分。





STEP 7:共振



無論您的想像能力如何,用女性的聲音講話都是一種在正確的訓練中可以學習和改進的技能。通過一種簡單而係統的方法,您只需幾週即可獲得女性聲音,我們建議您按照Kathe Perez課程中提供的教學視頻和實踐工作表進行操作。[3]
上面提到的7個步驟是實現您想要的女性聲音和聲音特徵的起點; 這些步驟在視頻和學習格式中都有詳細介紹,您可以按照完整的課程和發展自己的聲音讓你成為女性; 請訪問'Kathe Perez'網站,她是一位經過認證的語言病理學家和跨語音女性化專家,您可以按自己的步調完成課程,並在30天內獲得可接受的女性聲音。
引文與資源; 為跨性別女性聲音女性化研究。
[1] Lena的女性聲音捷徑,她擁有收集自己轉型後收集的信息的資源[ http://lena.kiev.ua/voice/
[2]引用:Casado JC,O'Connor C,Angulo MS,AdriánJA。Wendler聲門形成術和男性至女性變性者的聲音療法:結果在術前和術後評估Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp。2015年5月[引用2016年3月18日]; 
[3] 30天速成班,由Kathe Perez,變性人語音女性化知名專家Kathe Perez獨立發聲的女性化訓練課程(認證語言病理學家和變性女聲女性化專家)。http://www.transgenderhub.com/voice-feminization ]

7 Transgender Voice Feminization MTF Coaching Tips

Let’s face it, even if you look like the most passable girl or woman in the world, the moment you open your mouth and speak is the time you get ultimately read as male or female. If you want to have an easier time as a transgender female then you really owe it to your self to develop your female voice and avoid those award and mostly inwardly embarrassing moments of being recognized as trans just because of the way you speak.
During my transgender transition I researched and uncovered seven steps to developing my truly female voice, I wanted to share these steps with you. Seven of them work on the femininity but the eighth is a “secret” method that actually makes your voice SOUND female – not just feminine! (This is discussed further in the Kathe Perez video study course referenced below).

STEP 1: Pitch

Most people assume that the primary difference between men’s and women’s voices is Pitch. But we shall see that the actually difference in pitch between the sexes is minimal. In fact, the overlap of range between the sexes allows for almost ANY individual to fall well within accepted norms of pitch.
Pitch may be perceived as the most important factor for voice and subsequently gender identification. A strong marker for the perception of female voice is an average speaking pitch of 180 Hz in a range of approximately 140 to 300 Hz. The average non-transgender female pitch is approximately 225Hz while the average non-transgender male pitch is approximately 125Hz. A pitch range that is considered gender neutral generally falls between 155-185Hz. It has been demonstrated that increasing speaking pitch impacts the degree of voice feminization. [2]

STEP 2: Dynamic Range

Dynamic Range describes the difference between the highest highs and the lowest lows that a person uses while speaking. Men use a very narrow dynamic range, even though they are quite capable of extending that range. It is simply a matter of training, not physiology. In contrast, women use a much WIDER dynamic range, which is what gives their voices more of a “sing/song” effect.
Understanding the frequencies that are common in typical feminine speech patterns is critical to capturing convincing and favorable feminine voice patterns.

STEP 3: Enunciation

Enunciation is the way you pronounce your words. Just as one might do a dialect, there is a female dialect that transcends languages and cultures. The complete course gives you the understanding and training for developing a fully feminine enunciation.

STEP 4: Vocabulary

Yes there are masculine and feminine words. In our culture, certain words are almost exclusively reserved for males and others for females. Practicing the embellishments, inflections and nuances that characterize feminine speech is an important part of voice feminization.

STEP 5: Grammar

Being masculine or feminine has a lot to do with brokering power. When one forms words into sentences, the ORDER of words as well as modifiers and parentheticals change the position of power of the speaker. We’ll look into ways to adopt the “power level” appropriate to the many roles played by either sex.

STEP 6: Body Language

Body Language is they way you move while you talk. In fact, it has an actual impact of how the voice itself will sound. By using the proper Body English while you speak, you can improve the femininity of your voice – even on the phone!

STEP 7: Resonance

Resonance is the modulation of whatever pitch you have. It puts the envelope on the voice that takes the pitch and assigns it Timbre. In the course you will get exercises that anyone can do to find that special place in their voice and develop a truly FEMALE resonance. [3]
Contributors to vocal resonance include the length of the pharynx and size of the sinuses, which in transgender women who have undergone a male puberty are fixed in a larger size than with non-transgender women. [1]

Conclusion & Course Study:

No matter your imagined capabilities, speaking with a female voice is a skill that can be learned and improved upon with the correct training. Through a simple but systematic approach you really can achieve a female voice in only a few weeks, we recommend that you do follow the instructional videos and practice worksheets giving in the Kathe Perez course. [3]
Studies indicate that trans women attain improvement in feminine speech following voice therapy and 97% are completely satisfied with the outcome.
The 7 steps, noted above, are the starting point from which to achieve your desired female voice and vocal characteristics; the steps are covered in detail in both video and study formats, you can follow the complete course and develop your voice to make you pass as a woman; please visit the ‘Kathe Perez’ site, she is a certified speech language pathologist and trans voice feminization specialist, you can work through the course at your own pace and achieve a passable feminine voice within 30 days.
Click here for the 30 day voice feminization course, you can find out how you can achieve a more female voice today.

Citations & Resources; for transgender voice feminization study.
[1] The shortcut to a female voice by Lena, She has a resource with information gathered following her own transition [ http://lena.kiev.ua/voice/
[2] Citation: Casado JC, O’Connor C, Angulo MS, Adrián JA. Wendler glottoplasty and voice-therapy in male-to-female transsexuals: results in pre and post-surgery assessment. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2015 May [cited 2016 Mar 18];
[3] The 30 day crash course, independent voice feminization sudy course by Kathe Perez, Kathe a renowned expert in transgender voice feminization (Certified speech language pathologist and transgender voice feminization specialist). [ http://www.transgenderhub.com/voice-feminization ]



