Being Transgendered (給正在變性中的妳)


Within your gender identity do you identify as transgender?

There is a vast amount of diversity within the gender identities in
our community. There are female identified, male identified,
transwomen, transmen.. Each person has a method of describing their
gender identity in a few words. For me I identify as transgender. One
definition of transgender according to
is "An umbrella term referring to anyone who's behavior, thoughts, or
traits differing from the societal expectations for their sex." I
think most people that are outside of the trans community think that
to be transgender that one must cross dress, take hormones, have
surgeries to alter their bodies, or be in the process of doing any of
the above. I am transgender but I am not having corrective surgery...
Although I do consider myself Transgendered....... I am not going to
transition fully but I would like to alter my body somewhat...with my
useage of hormones. I see myself more as a female then I do male..
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and
recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked….You're not as fat as you
imagine. Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious
few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in
lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you
knew when you were young.

1. Remember, the sun will still rise tomorrow, even if I have one too
many slices of pizza, or an extra scoop of ice cream tonight.

2. Never blame my body for the bad day I'm having.

3. Stop joining in when my friends compare and trash their own

4. Never allow a dirty look from someone else to influence how I feel
about my appearance.

5. Don't judge a person solely by how his or her body looks -- even
if it seems harmless -- because I'd never want anyone to do that to

6. Notice all the amazing things my body is doing for me every moment
that I walk, talk, think, and breathe...

7. Stop that negative little voice in my head when it starts to say
mean things about my body that I would never tolerate anyone else
saying about me.

8. Remind myself that what you see on TV and in advertisements isn't
always what you get -- It takes alot of airbrushing, dieting, money,
and work to look that good!

9. Remember that even the girl I'd love to swap bodies with, has
something about her body or looks that she hates.

10. Respect my body by feeding it well, working up a sweat when it
needs it, and knowing when to give it a break.

11. Always remember that a mirror can only reflect what's on the
surface of me, Not who I really am inside!!!

12. The Most Important Is --

I Know That I Am Already Beautiful Just The Way I Am!!

Trisha Roberts


transwomen , transmen ..每個人都有的一種方法,說明其
性狀不同的社會期望,他們的性別。 "我知道

您如何神話般你真的期待... 。你不是為FAT你

1 。請記住,太陽明天仍將上升,即使今晚我吃了許多片比薩餅,或額外的冰淇淋。

2 。從來不責怪我的身體,即使我在很糟糕的一天。

3 。停止跟那些會相互比較和虐待自己身體的朋友交往。

4 。決不允許別人一個骯髒而怪異的眼光來影響我對我的外表的感覺 。

5 。不要完全僅由他或她的身體外表而去論斷一個人,-甚至它看來似乎無害的-因為我從來不允許讓任何人這樣做對我。

6 。注意所有我身體為我所做的令人驚嘆的事情,我的每一刻當我行走,說話,想和呼吸的時候...

7 。阻止這種消極的聲音在我的腦海啟動時,說著有關於我身體的刻薄事情,因為我將絕不容忍任何人說我。

8 。提醒自己了解,您所看到的電視節目和廣告中的那些模特兒不是你所想的那個樣子-那些是需要花很大量的 airbrushing ,節食,金錢,努力才能達到那樣的美好!

9 。請記住,即使是我很想要交換身體的完美女孩,她也都有一些有關她身體的期待,及她討厭的地方。

10 。經由好的保養來尊重我的身體,當身體需要時,就健身讓大量的汗水來代謝它,並知道何時給它一個休息。

11 。永遠記住,一面鏡子只能反映我的表面,卻無法反映出我真正的內在面!

12 。最重要的是- 我瞭解,我現在這樣子就已經非常美麗!

Trisha Roberts




