How to become a shemale(2) -- 事前認知雌激素能為你做哪些事

這是絕對不可能的 >_< 這純屬幻想虛構 所以在服用之前讓我們先從頭到腳品頭論足一番 到底女性荷爾蒙能為你做哪些事情? Results Not to be Expected請勿預期太多的部位

Beard Hair 鬍子或頭髮

Whatever active hair is present in the beard area upon onset of hormone therapy will remain. Given years of hormone therapy and removal of the testicles, the beard will remain albeit somewhat slower growing and not quite as thick.

Naturally, this status is far from acceptable. A method of permanent hair removal, or combination of methods thereof, must be used to rid oneself of facial hair. 當然,這一地位還遠遠無法接受的。一種方法永久脫毛,或組合的方法時,必須使用以永久擺脫自己的面部毛髮。

Permanent hair removal will show its greatest results by concentrating efforts on those areas least affected by hormone therapy, ie, the beard area, and leaving treatment of chest hair and the like until last, if treatment is even required at all. 永久脫毛將表現出最大的成果,對這些地區集中力量,是影響最輕微的激素治療,即鬍子部位,胸毛治療脫毛等,直到最後,如果,甚至在所有部位有需要時亦需治療。 See Electrology Guide . 見Electrology指南

Raised Voice 調整妳的發聲音調

The depth in pitch and resonance of the voice are unaffected by hormone therapy. However, inflection and manner of speech are very well suited to change. Additionally, pitch can be raised through persistent vocal practice. Given the importance of a gender congruent voice, surgical options have been explored in an attempt to alter pitch, but this most delicate of instruments is not likely to be properly retuned through surgery. 聲音音調的深度和共振是不受激素治療的影響。然而,腔調和講話方式卻非常適合改變。此外,透過努力不懈的聲樂練習,音調是可以提高的。鑑於尋找適合性別的聲音,外科已企圖探索透過手術改變音高,但聲帶這個最精緻的器官在經手術治療後,有可能不會得到適當的調整。


While the individual's response to feminizing therapy will vary, we have observed several key changes that appear for the majority of transgendered women in addition to the general estrogenic effects related in Section 5. 雖然每個人的女性化療法結果都有所不同,但對於多數變性婦女,我們看到幾個關鍵變化出現,除了第5款的一般雌激素的相關效應。

Breasts 乳房

For the transgendered woman, breast development will vary greatly, as it does with the genetic female population. However, breast development will typically be less than what is experienced in the genetic female population. 對於變性的女人,每個人的乳房發育會差別很大,因為它與原生女性母體有關。然而,乳房發育通常會小於成長多年的原生女性母體。

With the transgendered woman, breast tissue growth is basically promoted by estrogens and anti-androgens. Under most circumstances, breast development exceeding a B cup is rare. 隨著變性女人,乳房組織增長基本上是靠著雌激素和抗雄性激素。在大多數情況下,乳房的發育超過B罩杯是少見的。 Development will take at least 2 years to reach maximum size. 而且需發展至少2年才能達到最大罩杯。

Changes in the nipple will likely be somewhat less than in the genetic female. The areola (the small ring of color around the nipple in the center portion of the breast) will change in appearance and size in relationship to the breast. 比起原生女性乳頭的變化可能會有些不足的。乳暈(即乳頭周圍的顏色中心部分,呈小環的形狀)將乳房外觀和尺寸的關係改變。

Soon after beginning hormone therapy (about 2 to 3 months), there will be a nodule-like formation behind the nipple and a feeling of tenderness or sensitivity in the area. 開始後不久,激素治療(約2至3個月) ,將有腫瘤樣的塊狀在乳頭的背後形成,肌膚並開始感覺柔軟或開始有敏感的感覺。

This early stage of development is caused by an increase in the ductal system behind the nipple is part of the transition process and will usually normalize in a matter of months. 這個早期階段的發展所造成的增加導管系統背後的乳頭是過渡進程,在幾個月內通常逐漸會正常化。

Body Hair 體毛

Depending on how hirsute (possessing hair) an individual's body may be, body hair will generally lessen noticeably to almost entirely over a period of several years. Individuals will generally notice a diminishment of bodily hair occurring on the extremities, and most of the torso. As example, arm and leg hair as well as hair on the abdomen, chest, and shoulders will greatly lessen and in some instances disappear completely. Hair growth in specific regions including that around the areola, armpits and pubic area will not lessen to the same extent. 取決於妳是否毛手毛腳(持續性毛髮)每一個人的身體狀況都可能不同,身上的汗毛一般會明顯減少,在幾年時間幾乎完全變得稀疏。個人通常會注意到身體毛髮的減少,尤其是生在四肢的汗毛,以及大部分的軀幹部位。例如,手臂和腿的汗毛以及腹部上的汗毛,還有胸部和肩膀將大大減少,並在某些情況下完全消失。在特定區域的毛髮生長,包括周圍乳暈,腋下和陰部到了某一程度後將不再減少。

Skin 皮膚

The general appearance of the skin, overall, will change greatly by becoming softer and less coarse. With proper skin care, which includes protection against the damaging effects of the sun, the skin's general appearance will be noticeably enhanced by the influence of estrogen and anti-androgens. 一般的外觀皮膚,總體而言,將大大改變,會變為柔軟並減少粗質的區域。只要有適當的皮膚護理,其中包括保護,防止陽光造成的破壞性影響,皮膚的總體外觀將因雌激素和抗雄激素而有明顯增強的改善。

Fat Distribution 脂肪分佈

Over a period of time (1 to 2 years time), a change in the subcutaneous fat (located just beneath the skin) will occur. The hips, thighs and buttocks will collect the majority of this distribution, and the tendency to collect fat in the stomach will diminish somewhat. 經過一段時間( 1至2年時間) ,改變了皮下脂肪(位於下方的皮膚)會發生。臀部,大腿和臀部將收集的大多數的脂肪分配,胃收集的脂肪傾向會減少許多。 The resulting redistribution will result in a smaller waistline and larger hips. 由此產生的脂肪重新分配將導致更大的勻稱比例,如較小的腰圍和較大臀圍。

Muscle Mass 肌肉質量

大或寬闊的肩膀通常是由於A good deal of the size that is normally attributed to large or broad shoulders, arms and chest is actually contained in upper body muscle mass—not bones. Through the process of feminization much of the upper body bulk will disappear. Muscle mass will generally take longer to diminish (about 3 years) than the accompanying shift in fat distribution previously mentioned.一個很好的比例大小協調成的,手臂和胸部實際上是載於上半身的肌肉塊,而不是骨頭。通過女性化的過程中大部分的上半身大部分將消失。肌肉一般會採取不再減少(約3歲)比隨同轉移脂肪分佈如前所述。

As upper body mass is lost, a certain degree of looseness may be seen in the skin of the upper arms and shoulders. 正如上半身體重丟失,在手臂皮膚上和肩膀可以看出有一定程度的鬆軟。

As is the case with normal weight loss in these areas, a period of one to two years may be necessary for the skin to adjust to the smaller frame.在這些部位會如同正常體重下降,為期一到兩年可能是必要的皮膚,以適應較小的範圍內。

Genitals 生殖器

With regard to appearance, hormone therapy will produce its most marked change in lessening the size of the testes.至於外觀,激素治療將產生的最明顯變化,睾丸大小明顯縮少。

Due to the influence of estrogen, the testes' production of testosterone and sperm will be greatly reduced. 由於雌激素的影響,睾丸生產精子的睾丸激素將大大減少。

Penile size will likely diminish somewhat. While penile skin is used for lining the neo-vagina, the amount of donor skin available is more a matter of inherent size than that of the diminishing effects of testosterone.陰莖的大小可能會有所減少。雖然陰莖皮膚將用於日後手術所創造的新陰道,然而日後手術皮膚改造的面積大小,會因睾丸激素減少的影響,可能成為一個問題。

Sexual function will decrease, but the degree of which is unpredictable. 性功能會下降,但程度是不可預測的

Erections may still continue, but will probably be much less frequent and long lasting, or may not be possible.,仍有可能繼續勃起,但很可能會更無法頻繁勃起,或持久,或可能是不可能的。

Ejaculate will lessen, probably to the point of only producing a very small, clear discharge as a result of the prostate and the associated structures responsible for semen production being impeded. 射精將減少,大概到了只能產生一滴非常小的,清澈的精液,因為負責製造、排放精液的前列腺和相關負責精液生殖器官受到阻礙。

(See Section 9, Male Genital Anatomy) (見第9條,男性生殖器官解剖)

Prostate Gland 前列腺

The prostate will diminish in size due to the effects of estrogen and finasteride (Proscar), the latter being administered as an anti-androgen. 前列腺的大小將因雌激素和雄胺( Proscar )的影響而減少,後者是作為抗雄激素的功能管理。

Beside from the feminizing effect of these medications, both drugs are helpful in the treatment of benign prostatic enlargement. This condition is often responsible for the difficulty with urination experienced by many older individuals. 除了從這些女性化藥物的作用,這兩種藥物對於治療良性前列腺擴大是有幫助的。這種情況往往是負責與排尿困難所經歷的許多老年人。

Through the course of hormone therapy, this urinary complaint will likely be relieved. 通過激素治療過程中,這泌尿系統疼痛可能會緩解。

Cardiovascular 心血管

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. 在美國冠狀動脈心臟病是主要的死亡原因。

Due to various lifestyle and hereditary factors, cardiovascular conditions may pose additional risks to those undertaking elective medical therapies, such as the variety of drug treatments engaged in the feminization process. However, the effects of hormonal therapy may be similarly beneficial to the male-to-female transgender patient with respect to arteriosclerotic plaque disease and cardiovascular conditions, as it demonstrates itself in the genetic female population. 由於各種生活方式和遺傳因素,心血管疾病可能會帶來額外的風險,如經由從事女性化療程使用各種藥物治療而導致的風險。然而,影響荷爾蒙治療可能同樣有益於男性成為女變性病人對動脈粥樣硬化斑塊及心血管疾病的條件,因為它顯示出自己的原生女性母體。

Infertility/Impotence 不孕症/陽痿

Long term use of estrogens may likely result in infertility, with permanent infertility being a distinct possibility. Sexual responsiveness will likely diminish over the course of hormonal therapy, potentially resulting in the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. These effects are the basis for feminizing hormone therapy being termed chemical castration. 長期使用雌激素可能會導致不孕不育,不孕是一個明顯的可能性。荷爾蒙治療的過程中,性反應可能會逐漸減少,可能導致無法實現或維持勃起。 這些基本影響,女性化激素療法被稱為化學去勢。

If the transgendered individual has any concern or desire to "father" children in the future, it is imperative that the male-to-female transgendered individual choose the option of sperm banking – having samples of their sperm frozen and stored for later use – prior to beginning hormone therapy. 如果變性人有任何問題或希望成為未來子女中的“父親”,至關重要的是,男性與女性的變性人可選擇精子銀行- 擁有自己的冷凍精子樣本和儲存以供日後使用-在開始進行激素治療之前。



